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Corsair of Mastodon

@radicalrobit just remembering when my roof was leaking during a storm and the landlord told me "well, a lot of roofs are leaking, I can't do anything about it"


@radicalrobit the guy on call 27/7 to make sure you have a safe home?

Do you mean 911? Or the fire monitoring station? Or the security company? Or the building inspector? Emergency plumber or electrician or HVAC tech? I mean, if they helped you out you can definitely tip them if you want!

Surely you don't mean the parasite that just so happened to buy up every building in your neighbourhood right?

Cheerios de Bergerac

@radicalrobit I was hoping this was a satire but the username suggests it is not.

Mr. Q The Pizza Demon

weeg's "How I defeated fascism" post has escaped containment again

Cheerios de Bergerac

@radicalrobit "To labor everything they create" and yet they're cropping out poster names.

Glenn Seto

@radicalrobit The power of love, huh? Does that mean I get to send this one out as a Valentine's greeting? 🤔

Mr. Q The Pizza Demon

Land only has any value because there is a finite amount it. What the metaverse presupposes is that you can create a virtual world with a theoretically limitless of land, and for some reason a bunch of rich dumbasses will believe that can make money off of it the same way they do IRL. As if any retailers who want to do "meta" shit, couldn't just create their own virtual worlds.

It's genuinely stunning how many self-described capitalists continously fall for capitalist scams.

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Mark Shane Hayden

@radicalrobit this is an Onion article right?

Isn't it?

Please tell me this isn't for real. Please tell me getting a gold star in life for not eating paste is now aspirational.

this is my old account

@radicalrobit how the FUCK do you spend 75% of $250k per YEAR when you're not even paying RENT. what do you DO with that much money???

deliberate dad actor

@radicalrobit first guy to ever retire without ever having a job

Mr. Q The Pizza Demon

NFTs in games is the dumbest fucking thing because they advertise it as "you get to OWN stuff in the game and sell it yourself!" and this for some reason needs to be done on the blockchain even though second life has been around for like 20 fucking years now

Mr. Q The Pizza Demon

Of course, OF COURSE the fucking operator of that famous excavator trying to free the ever given is both a sub-contractor and still hasn't been paid for all of his fucking OT work yet.

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