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Minilla’s Dad, Thomas

@radicalrobit these are parody at this point, right? Or an intentional bid to make people angry?

Mr. Q The Pizza Demon

@Thomas It has to be clickbait. There's no way they aren't aware of what they're writing.


@Thomas @radicalrobit you ask "how could a dedicated Maoist live with themselves as a writer for the lifestyle section of the NYT," but this shows how to thread the needle by publishing an appeal for violence against a specific bourgeois malefactor without tipping them off

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@Thomas @radicalrobit they always go viral on twitter so very possible it is to generate clicks in the most cynical way

4 8 15 16 23 42

@radicalrobit simply pull yourself up by your bootstraps with the HALF A FUCKING MILLION DOLLARS your uncle gave you

excuse me while i go scream into a pillow

Minilla’s Dad, Thomas

@Taweret @radicalrobit "It was tempting to spend" he says from his grandpa's vacation home while collecting $250k a year from his papa

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@Thomas @radicalrobit just stop going to starbucks so much and eating so much avocado toast and AAAAAHAHAGHAGHGAHGAHHAGHAGHGAHGAHGAHGAHGAHG 😡​

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@Thomas @radicalrobit "If I can do it, anyone can!"

where can we find this guy? I just wanna talk

there might be owls

@radicalrobit wow, only vacationing domestically? so brave of him

Ruth [☕️ 👩🏻‍💻📚✍🏻🧵🪡🍵]

@radicalrobit they have to be doing this on purpose to make like... I dunno, the guillotine list, right?

:googlyeye: Stlex :googlyeye2:

@radicalrobit joke's on this loser, if I were making $250K rent-free, I wouldn't NEED $500K from my uncle to buy a house

Mark Shane Hayden

@radicalrobit this is an Onion article right?

Isn't it?

Please tell me this isn't for real. Please tell me getting a gold star in life for not eating paste is now aspirational.

this is my old account

@radicalrobit how the FUCK do you spend 75% of $250k per YEAR when you're not even paying RENT. what do you DO with that much money???

deliberate dad actor

@radicalrobit first guy to ever retire without ever having a job

deliberate dad actor

@radicalrobit also lmao at “only vacationing in the US” like that’s god’s toughest battle

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