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sam henri gold

If you haven’t seen this archive of presidential campaign branding yet, I highly recommend a peruse.

sam henri gold

i feel like marching bands got the short end of the stick. why can’t we call the other type “stationary bands” and marching bands can simply be “bands”?

Brandon Horst

@samhenrigold In my town we have an annual festival of “street bands” which use marching band equipment but definitely don’t march. I propose we follow this and name them based on the material they perform on top of. Street bands, chair bands, football field bands.

sam henri gold

what has this world come to. it’s like you can't even lie about elections on your television program to an audience of millions of unstable people with guns without someone making a stink.

sam henri gold

i don’t use the site that often nowadays but i must admit, it’s a fun pastime.

sam henri gold

Figured you'd all enjoy this fun lil bit of trivia. In 2007, when Steve Jobs introduced the iPod touch, there was a dramatic reveal in the keynote half way through that it had wi-fi and Safari. He went back to the demo and made a previously-hidden Safari icon pop onto the home screen ( I thought this was just for the keynote, but it's a real mode you can force enable. I managed to do it on this emulated iPod touch:


@samhenrigold you could at least be humane about destroying them

Григорий Клюшников

oh it's the dystopian holographic bracelet phone thing

I want to imagine that you have to punch the air in anger to reject the call

sam henri gold via @gruber

“Finally, you can replace this thing that you despise” is a powerful marketing message. “Finally, you can replace this thing that you love” is not.

Mike Schnier

@samhenrigold @gruber Attempts to disrupt existing technology with solutions that are bulkier and more intrusive are inherently misguided. Nobody was asking to project incoming text messages from their chest.

sam henri gold

demanding to speak to the manager at the marketplace of ideas

sam henri gold

i could think of a number of fun things to do with a centrifuge if they weren’t so expensive. if i could buy a lab-grade one on amazon for a hundred bucks, you better believe i’m gonna try to use it as a crazy salad spinner.

Doug Warren


SAM'S FAM: What are you doing, Sam?

SAM: [pipetting something from the bottom of a test tube] Making a salad.

SAM'S FAM: ...

SAM: It's called "microgreens", they're really big right now.

sam henri gold

i’ve come to terms with not being an airbnb person. i’m a hotel guy through and through. love the towels, love the banality of the decor, love not getting a list of chores to complete lest my rating take a nosedive.

Григорий Клюшников

I tried to give airbnb a chance several times but hotels are always just cheaper AND provide a higher level of service of which I know what to expect. The 10 fees that add up to as much as the original price itself always do it for me. Also having to find a way to call and meet someone when you're exhausted af and don't have a local sim card is another downside. Some people do still go with airbnb "because I want to be able to cook my own food" 🤪

I don't know what chores you're talking about tho.

I tried to give airbnb a chance several times but hotels are always just cheaper AND provide a higher level of service of which I know what to expect. The 10 fees that add up to as much as the original price itself always do it for me. Also having to find a way to call and meet someone when you're exhausted af and don't have a local sim card is another downside. Some people do still go with airbnb "because I want to be able to cook my own food" 🤪

sam henri gold

question for the #a11y/​#accessibility crowd: what’s the best practice for alt text on code snippet images? I can’t imagine pasting the raw code into the alt text is great for screen readers but I don’t know if an english explanation is better (“an object containing key X with value Y gets passed into a function that does Z.”)

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Chris Wu :toucan:

@samhenrigold if the answer isn’t pasting the raw code, I am going to be massively cringing 😬

Joe Lanman

@samhenrigold I think the code is probably fine, and actually better as it gives people reading the alt the same chance to read the actual code as people who can see the image

Pratik Patel

@samhenrigold All images with text should include the entirety of the text in the image if the text can't be included in the post itself. #accessibility

sam henri gold

bummer how the system color picker on windows is...what it is.

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Григорий Клюшников

If you poke around Windows 11 enough, you will be able to find UIs that last changed before I was born

Thomas N :yikes:

@samhenrigold 20 years and still no clue what the >> button is

sam henri gold

here to tell you not to buy cork coasters. they just stick to the bottom of your drinking vessel, they’re not weighted correctly. they look nice but it’s not worth it.

sam henri gold

im generally pretty Type A but I think my limit is fitted sheets. there my attitude sours to "fuck all of this so much, this'll do"

ko kāihe ahau 🫏 :verified:

@samhenrigold Oooo! I can fold fitted sheets. I spend hours watching a YouTube video while yelling “THIS IS WITCHCRAFT!” but, now I can. 😃

Mike Beasley

@samhenrigold when vine was still a thing (RIP) i posted one at the end of a school year where i said "to all of you graduating and moving out, here's how you fold a fitted sheet" the balled it up, dropped it, and said "there ya go"

sam henri gold

bumper to bumper traffic at the intersection of art and technology

Chris Barlow

@samhenrigold Don’t even get me started about the traffic next block over

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