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Johannes Ernst

How likely is it that, in a generation, we will look at storing (and heating) food and drinks in plastic containers the way we look at using asbestos for construction today?

β€œPackaging food in plastic sounded like a good idea at the time. How wrong we were and how much illness we caused.”

What do you think?

#food #microplastics #plastic #plasticpollution #health

Anonymous poll


Very likely
Maybe, maybe not
Very unlikely
23 people voted.
Voting ended 1 Oct 2023 at 18:10.
Alex L πŸ•Š πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ

@J12t #microplastics

Here is the answer no one wants to hear: for that to happen there must be health problems equal to those of asbestos. As long as they remain at a level of danger equal to or lower than things like pesticides, nothing will happen.

Notice that the @EU_Commission wants #glyphosate to be allowed for the next ten years:

Emme Ci πŸ‰

@J12t I'm not sure about microplastics, but I'm willing to bet that it's going to look insane from the point of view of the environmental impact.

I'm always appalled at the amount of single use plastic I throw away weekly despite my best efforts to reduce plastic consumption.


@J12t in some future generation, maybe; in one generation from now, absolutely not. We would have to either have a better replacement that’s ~equally affordable and convenient, or redistribute money and stress and time demands so dramatically that the expense and inconvenience of currently available replacements are no longer an obstacle to a significant number of people. I doubt either is possible in a single generation, and even if possible we’re not (collectively) actually trying

Johannes Ernst

Here are the two slides I showed at #FediForum to help with the discussion on a possible Fediverse #test suite.

Johannes Ernst

About half of the Fediverse addresses typed by FediForum attendees into the session notes are missing the leading "@".

People typed in their very own Fediverse handles. And because they came to FediForum, it's very likely they are very well acquainted with the right syntax.

Pretty strong circumstantial evidence that most people won't be able to distinguish Fediverse handles from e-mail addresses.

I have long believed that they should be the same.

#fediverse #email #address #fediforum

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James M.

@J12t I dunno. I think it's more common to change AP servers than to change email addresses. You wouldn't want to have to change your email address because of a moderation problem due to someone else on your server.

John Burns


And when said person loses control of the email address (e.g. broadband provider change, employer change, etc.)...

What does that person do? Lose entire setup and start again?

Asking, because this is how many forums did it... and it was wrong then.


> most people won't be able to distinguish Fediverse handles from e-mail addresses. I have long believed that they should be the same

... as are #XMPP addresses. I agree.

> I've always thought that we should have gone with a symbol other than @ for the user-host separator

#Matrix uses a address format. It would be great if people could bring their own domain to any instance, and use the same address for email, matrix, or #fediverse.


> most people won't be able to distinguish Fediverse handles from e-mail addresses. I have long believed that they should be the same

... as are #XMPP addresses. I agree.

> I've always thought that we should have gone with a symbol other than @ for the user-host separator

#Matrix uses a address format. It would be great if people could bring their own domain to any instance, and use the same address for email, matrix, or #fediverse.

Johannes Ernst

I guess today is a recover-from-FediForum day for me.



@J12t Congratulations. I hear it went very well. I am still recovering and couldn’t quite focus well enough. I was afraid I’d start fights or something, lol

Johannes Ernst

Another FediForum session today:

Automatically opening Fediverse links in the right app, so that I can interact with it. (Browser or OS integration)


Johannes Ernst

According to my indoor PurpleAir sensor, what’s in my office is mostly particulates below a couple of ΞΌm, clustered between 0.3 and 1 ΞΌm. But my MERV 13 air filter isn’t very good at that size any more, letting half of particles pass according to the spec.

I’m failing to find a higher rated air filter, such as MERV 16, that looks even remotely like it is made for consumer / home applications whether in HVAC system or standalone. Does such a thing exist, anybody have one?


@J12t AIUI anything above MERV 13 is likely to harm your air circulation machinery. I don’t understand the details, but it’s something to do with the pressures required to push air through the filters; the pressure drop on the outgoing side isn’t enough to get good circulation, and the higher pressure against the fans will (possibly dramatically) shorten the life of the motors. I’d guess stand-alone filters don’t use MERV ratings because that’s designed for protecting the equipment

Johannes Ernst

Bay Area peeps, #crowdsourcing request.

Since the smoke came in a couple days ago, I’ve been feeling more tired, somewhat not quite healthy, less able to focus. Family says the same. So: is it the smoke or something else?

If you are in the #bayarea: same for you, or no difference? (Don’t count the annoyance, the #smoke and bad #airquality sure is.)

I’d love to get a bunch of responses, so please reshare if you can. If other observations, please comment.

Anonymous poll


Smoke made no difference for me.
I feel less healthy since the smoke.
I feel less healthy, sleepy since the smoke.
I feel just sleepier since the smoke.
36 people voted.
Voting ended 24 Sep 2023 at 3:22.
James M.

@J12t hard to sort out which symptoms are from smoke, which from potential covid, and which from potential long covid.

Cecilia Mjausson Huster

@J12t Geez, I just walked my garbage across the driveway and the air is thick out there! Makes me realize how much my air cleaners are helping.

I'm a little bit sniffly all the time and my throat is scratchy. The sniffling makes me more tired than usual, too.

Johannes Ernst

That story about the Ukrainians supposedly going after Wagner in Sudan with little drones is quite something. An entire book of questions arises.

Johannes Ernst

Reason no 2 to wear a mask is back in force. Ari quality in the Bay Area is really bad due to fires further north.

Johannes Ernst

The discussion at #FediForum today is really re-invigorating to me. All of a sudden conversations that we, had back 15 years ago (yes!) and that died on the vine when the big platforms took over, are back and hot!

Many of the same people, older and wiser :-) and with a renewed sense of urgency, too.

This time it might actually happen, because the general tech trends away from big platforms, and new regulatory requirements. Very exciting!


@J12t Yep, almost everyone who made what we once knew, are realizing that maybe they have enough life left in them to help do it again. It sure gets old dogs like me up on the morning. Of course, mistakes can be rebooted, too.

Johannes Ernst

Air quality in the Bay Area this morning is even worse than last night. Air filters is becoming a growth industry.

Johannes Ernst

In between last-minute #FediForum organization, a warm, juicy Kohlrabi afternoon snack from the backyard hydroponics system.

When they talk about "back to the office", they never mention Kohlrabi snacks in the afternoon.

Johannes Ernst

The single most annoying feature of online video ads? It's when you want to see a video, but they force an ad first which then fails to load. The video you want to see would work just fine, but the ad is broken. So you can't get to the video.

Johannes Ernst

Do *you* know where all your F-35s are? Easy to lose them, apparently.

This is almost Monty Python style funny.

Aswath Rao

I just saw a clip that claimed Pentagon has ordered a plane load of Air tags.

"If is 10PM. Do you know where F-35s are?"

Johannes Ernst

Event organizing.

I don't know whether I like it. Lots of this-that-and-the-other work. Various mishaps. Various unexpected successes. Idk.

One of the good parts: watching registrations for #FediForum coming in. Always good to see people liking what you spent some time and energy on!

And seeing so much enthusiasm for so many difficult #fediverse subjects which many attendees tell us about in the sign-up form. (For those we have permission, we publish them here )

Event organizing.

I don't know whether I like it. Lots of this-that-and-the-other work. Various mishaps. Various unexpected successes. Idk.

One of the good parts: watching registrations for #FediForum coming in. Always good to see people liking what you spent some time and energy on!

And seeing so much enthusiasm for so many difficult #fediverse subjects which many attendees tell us about in the sign-up form. (For those we have permission, we publish them here

Johannes Ernst

How do I use curve25519 with JSON Web Keys? rfc7518 seems to define RSA and ECDSA algorithms but not EdDSA.
What am I missing?


Peter Zingg :verified:

@J12t Really wish there was pervasive support for ed25519 in all the legacy crypto stacks. It feels like you have to build your own (unsupported) cyptosuites and protocols to use what is supposedly tge current state of the art in PKI.

Johannes Ernst

β€œThere are things so stupid that you must be a multibillionaire to believe them”

In case you aren’t sure, it’s about Elon. Pulling no punches in the Guardian.

Emme Ci πŸ‰

@J12t Let me repeat my epiphany from last week: Jonathan Coulton's the future soon is a song about #elonmusk.

Steve Vitka

Musk moronmania has been going on a long time...Here is a Thunderfoot piece I keep asking u watch

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