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Johannes Ernst

Have not seen this before. Major news org, no mention of #Twitter, only mention of #threads.

Now how do we get them to call it “the #fediverse” instead?

73 million seconds

@J12t well threads needs to enable federation as promised first

Emme Ci 🍉

@J12t If threads ever federates I don't care what they call it, people who are interested will eventually discover the rest of the 'verse, the others could not care less

Johannes Ernst

Also, California is beautiful.
That’s all.

Johannes Ernst

How many Americans do you think currently have COVID?

(No peeking)

Think of what you hear about in the news, which is basically nothing.

Then read this.

Clare Harris MD 👻


People are walking around completely unaware of what’s already here.

Then there’s my friend’s husband who competed in a 50 km bike race after testing Covid positive the day before.

How many people did he infect today? 😡



All 100% suffer from the lasting impact of Covid.


Johannes Ernst

1 out of about 10 people in the world currently don’t know “when or if they will eat again”.

Quote from the World Food Program Executive Director to the U.N. Security Council this week.

Johannes Ernst

Reddit is now making their internal user #reputation score available. This is interesting.

We could do something rather similar for each #fedverse #instance.

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Mike J👹🐀 🤘🏻

@J12t Doing this since spam is getting out of control because the old mods left.

My fear is it shows bad actors how to stay just below the radar.

Don Holloway

@J12t Anything like ~40% reduction is meaningful. I have been exploring similar mechanisms in telecom.

Richard Reisman

Google PageRank is a sophisticated, recursively multilevel reputation system based on community judgment.
I outlined how to extend and adap that to social media in “The Augmented Wisdom of Crowds: Rate the Raters and Weight the Ratings.”

Johannes Ernst

And I thought only the #fediverse can’t keep it’s Like counts and Follower counts and comment threads synchronized across instances.

Earlier today I looked at the “general” Matrix room of the Fediverse Developer Network, and it had just something like 40 people in it. Where did they all go? But all false alarm. Just now, I use the same app to look at the same number, and it’s back at 147, roughly where I thought it was.

Imho none of this is acceptable, never mind technical difficulties.


@J12t netsplits could be an issue for a real time chat, but for federated non real time ( Mastodon, PixelFed, PeerTube ) I think splits are fine

It makes sense for the OP to get correct numbers, but for others the numbers in their orbit are sufficient

At a concert tour I only see the people at the shows I attend, not all the venues

Even for real time chat, we really only need to see the messages, not necessarily those who aren't active

We are not a number, but we are a critical mass :)

Johannes Ernst

Even after all these years on Zoom and Jitsi and the like, I'm still amazed that one can just simply do a live event where people in 10 timezones -- like #FediForum is going to be next week -- can get together and talk. From home. With minimal difficulties (not counting being on mute when talking ...:-))

I can explain the miracle, but a miracle it is in any case.

Johannes Ernst

Insight: there are two very different types of #software development.

1) is focused on algorithms, using mostly elemental data types. People doing this tend to prefer "putting everything into JSON" or such, and dynamically typed languages like Python.

2) is really virtual world building, where the code creates "semantic things" that interact with each other. People doing this do data and domain models, and prefer languages with IDEs and extensive compile-time checking.

Mutual incomprehension.


@J12t Mathematicians vs bureaucrats, if you like.

Mr. Completely

@J12t I can see it. I certainly employ and manage both mentalities, though far more of the latter. And they do tend to find each other perplexing.


@J12t I think a lot falls in the middle, using APIs. They are usually de facto models, but poorly conceived. JSON-LD is a nice bridge when available. If I had more tie I'd check out LinkML.

Johannes Ernst

An #ai that answers the phone for me, sounds like me, and strings along the telemarketers, for as long as possible. Maybe negotiating the best deal, too, if there is one to be had.

That’s quite within the realm of possibilities today, right? Where can I order one?

Marius Scurtescu :verified:

@J12t didn't Google Assistant do most of that, a few years back? And then the feature was shut down because of public outrage?

Johannes Ernst

The most significant news in #Apple 's event today wasn't iPhone or such, right? They didn't say many exciting things there other than that some Silicon structures on their new chip are only 12 atoms wide.

But instead the news was that they want to be #carbon #neutral across the entire company and all of their products in 7 years.

That sounds extremely unlikely to me. But then, 12 atoms wide also sounds extremely unlikely to me. What do you make of this?

Johannes Ernst

I mean why should anybody be interested in the latest news about a deadly disease?

Johannes Ernst

First sign of future messenging interop as required by the EU’s Digital Markets Act sighted in a beta build of WhatsApp.

Johannes Ernst

“The world [needs] to produce 50-60% more food by 2050 … to feed its growing population. But crop yields … [are] projected to decline by between 3-12% as a result of global heating.” Quote from Dr Cary Fowler, who is known as the “father” of the Svalbard Global Seed Vault.
“We are in the midst of a global food crisis,” he said. “More than 700 million people were undernourished in 2022 compared to 613 million in 2019.”
…and that’s the way the trends are going.

“The world [needs] to produce 50-60% more food by 2050 … to feed its growing population. But crop yields … [are] projected to decline by between 3-12% as a result of global heating.” Quote from Dr Cary Fowler, who is known as the “father” of the Svalbard Global Seed Vault.
“We are in the midst of a global food crisis,” he said. “More than 700 million people were undernourished in 2022 compared to 613 million in 2019.”
…and that’s the way the trends are going.

Johannes Ernst

Did I ever mention that gypsum drywall is not my favorite material?

At least the pieces have been screwed in, and the joint compound is drying. Also, I have it on good authority now that it is better to first connect the electrical of the ceiling fan, and then close up the dry wall because the other way somehow has a drywall in the way. A very messy drywall with compound oozing all over when taking it back out.

Who could have known?

Johannes Ernst

Just dug out this old video on wealth inequality in the US for someone. In case you hadn’t seen it, take the time.


Yeah that's a classic. It's 11 years old. And it annoys the f*** out of me, because no one has ever really weaponized it. It needs to be completely recast as something that campaigns can revolve around

Tom Resing

@J12t I love a good visualization. Now, what's the next step?

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