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Johannes Ernst

If you could test just 10 things in the Fediverse on an ongoing basis, what would you test? What's most urgent?

What if you could test 100 things?

(For the non-geeks among us: this is a technical geek / protocol / standards conformance / interoperability question)

@activitypubtestsuite #testing #activitypub

Johannes Ernst

I can push new branches on all my github repos. Just not on the one that I want to. Which some strange permission error.


Turns out it's git-lfs. How I don't know. Updating everything didn't help. No more lfs on that repo it seems to me.

Johannes Ernst

“The Trump administration touted him as a victim of #MeToo. Now he’s accused of dismembering a girlfriend”

Johannes Ernst

Netflix shipped its last DVD today.

End of an era, although it took a long time.

Johannes Ernst

Soapbox: if you want to have a decentralized system, that only works if you have an architecture where the layer below the decentralized layer is centrally controlled.

Example: the internet. Anybody can send IP packets to anybody, it's very decentralized.

But that only works if the layer below -- the definition of an IP packet and how to send it -- is centrally defined.

If there were no such central layer below, you wouldn't have a #decentralized system, only a bunch of incompatible pieces.

Johannes Ernst

Having the pleasure to read somebody's really well-written code today.

What a difference to some plain normal code and downhill from there.

Johannes Ernst

No more $35 Raspberry Pi it seems. The newly announced Pi 5 starts at $60.

It was nice while it lasted.

Ian Applebaum

@J12t I feel like they’re just adding the 5 to the lineup where as 4 will still fulfill that category. They’ll probably spec bump it or something in the future like they did with the Pi Zero

Doug Belshaw

@J12t Everything is twice the price it was when the 4 came out, though?

Johannes Ernst

A map that shows electrical power availability world wide. Which country has the most reliable power?
It’s not California, I’m sure about that. Don’t ask me why I’m pondering this right now. 😡

Johannes Ernst

ActivityPub mentioned in Thoughtworks’ Technology Radar:

“We expect ActivityPub will play a significant role in [social media interop], but … we’re intrigued by the possibilities beyond the obvious use cases in social media. An example is ActivityPub support for merge requests, recently proposed for #GitLab.

They got that right!

Johannes Ernst

Went to the event organized by the newly (re?)constituted #Data #Transfer #Initiative today.

All the same faces that talked about this very thing last time, like, 10-15 years ago? Now we're all just older, the keynote speaker even pulled out his old slides from back then!

It does give you pause. Are we just a bunch of old f...ts who can't move on from a project that obviously couldn't work, or were we just way too early and only now are the market circumstances making it actually possible?

Dan Lyke

@J12t gotta admit that that's some of why I've moved on to other things....

Bob Wyman

@J12t The #DTI goal of "empowering technology users by enabling them to transfer their data from one service to another," is entirely achievable and worth significant effort. However, it is entirely possible that, in addition to methods and standards, such empowerment will require legislative or government action in order to compel compliance by those providers who would otherwise see their interests better served by preventing such transfers.

Johannes Ernst

As always, if you have a technical problem, the open-source community comes through for you, while paid support takes the money and then doesn't do anything.

Marius Coomans

@J12t In my experience, the exception is Amazon Web Services, where a modest payment gave me timely, constructive support.

Johannes Ernst

I guess it's unreasonable to assume that only my code gets to have bugs. Sigh.

Johannes Ernst

How do I file a bug against Amazon AWS S3? They seem to require their URLs to be escaped invalidly.

Johannes Ernst

I remember as a kid, a long time ago, at some point I realized that bathrooms were always segregated by gender. I thought about it, and it made no sense to me. So I asked the adults why that was so, and I got back some watered-down mumble jumble about what today we’d call the danger of sexual assault. I thought about it more, and that explanation made little sense to me, either. (If someone wanted to assault, why not go in the other door?)

Decades later, here we are.

I remember as a kid, a long time ago, at some point I realized that bathrooms were always segregated by gender. I thought about it, and it made no sense to me. So I asked the adults why that was so, and I got back some watered-down mumble jumble about what today we’d call the danger of sexual assault. I thought about it more, and that explanation made little sense to me, either. (If someone wanted to assault, why not go in the other door?)

Raphael Lullis

@J12t because "going to the other door" is already a violation of the norms, works as a deterrent and can be guarded from outside in the public view, while it's a lot harder to guard a place where malicious actors can walk inside "freely", people are supposedly more vulnerable and expect privacy?

Somewhat related: do you see a need for gender-segregated locker rooms in the gyms, or should we get rid of those as well?

Johannes Ernst

This is the first #Fediverse article I've seen that is aimed exclusively at #marketing people. We can be certain it won't be the last.

Collected in

Johannes Ernst

Ordered some more of the now again free COVID tests (in the US).

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