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Johannes Ernst

I remember as a kid, a long time ago, at some point I realized that bathrooms were always segregated by gender. I thought about it, and it made no sense to me. So I asked the adults why that was so, and I got back some watered-down mumble jumble about what today we’d call the danger of sexual assault. I thought about it more, and that explanation made little sense to me, either. (If someone wanted to assault, why not go in the other door?)

Decades later, here we are.

1 comment
Raphael Lullis

@J12t because "going to the other door" is already a violation of the norms, works as a deterrent and can be guarded from outside in the public view, while it's a lot harder to guard a place where malicious actors can walk inside "freely", people are supposedly more vulnerable and expect privacy?

Somewhat related: do you see a need for gender-segregated locker rooms in the gyms, or should we get rid of those as well?

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