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Johannes Ernst

I cannot recall any press coverage at all of an entrepreneur or CEO or anybody as devastating as this.

“one more example of Musk as that most familiar figure: the noisy forum shitposter, forever writing checks with his mouth that his body can’t cash.”

Ok second thought, “devastating” doesn’t begin to describe it.

Sampath Pāṇini ®

@J12t once I learned the story about the McLaren with Peter Thiel his personality started to make a lot more sense.

Johannes Ernst

“A Montana judge on Monday found that the Treasure State is violating its residents’ right to a clean environment — delivering a major victory to the 16 kids, teens and young adults behind the first U.S. youth-led climate trial.”

Johannes Ernst

"Describe the relevant sectors of the economy":

"Academia, industry, non-profit and international".


The "inter-" in the use of "international" in this way always grates with me, and would even if they had said "national and international academia, industry, and non-profit". "Inter-national" means "in-between nations" not "abroad"!

Johannes Ernst

Cognitive dissonance: warm to hot cucumber in my hand when peeling it. That's what you get when you harvest your lunch straight from your hydroponics plants at the lunchtime in the California sunshine.
Although I've been doing this for a few years now, I've been trained to think that cucumbers to be peeled must be refrigerator-cold. So I end up with a double-take every time.

Johannes Ernst

“we know that only through force do we make any change in a corrupt town like Washington” Rep Gaetz while standing next to Trump in Iowa.

There are now elected representatives who are calling for force against the very government they are part of.

If there isn’t a swift law that would put them away for some years for that, there should be Imho.

Johannes Ernst

“a Tehran court sentenced a woman to two months in prison and six months of psychological treatment for “a contagious psychological disorder that leads to sexual promiscuity” because she didn’t wear a hijab.”

Johannes Ernst

Pet clinic sends customer service survey. I usually answer those because who knows, maybe they actually want to listen?

In this case, I didn't hit submit. They apparently only wanted to know whether the staff did all the things management wants them to do to sell me / my dog more expensive stuff. I'm not volunteering my time to help you get more of my money!

Johannes Ernst

Can a network be a Commons?

(In the Ostrom sense)

I would think so — if a network can be proprietary it could instead be a Commons, no?Eg CompuServe was a proprietary network, which was supplanted by the internet, which arguably is a (gigantic, and not well governed) Commons. Visa, back in the days it was a club of banks was arguably mostly a network governed as a commons, I would think.

So why doesn’t a web search find much for “network commons”?


@J12t I covered this a bit with Episode 9 of the Implausipod, but it might not be 100% what you're looking for.

Are you looking for something like Castells, or have you considered that and are looking elsewhere?

Johannes Ernst

What do we make of this @VeilidNetwork thing? What will be its place in the larger scheme of things relative to, say, #Signal, #Tor, #IPFS, #Matrix and the #fediverse? #Veilid

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@J12t It looks interesting, but until they have written an actual spec, I'm skeptical

Erlend Sogge Heggen

@J12t @VeilidNetwork seems primarily useful as an everything-app alternative to Signal with greater privacy.

It’s very different from Matrix as it doesn’t aim for the same networking effects of group-centric, federated discourse.

Johannes Ernst

"The data have spoken." I like that phrasing.

Even if it means it's not a superconductor. Bit unclear to me how researchers could get that wrong in the first place.

Extraordinary claims need extraordinary verification it seems to me, otherwise extraordinary embarrassment ensues ...


@J12t A bit pretentious of CMTC. Is #LK99 a superconductor? Unknown. Is what CMTC synthesized, according to the scant details available in pre-publication, LK-99? Probably not. There’s no shortage of LK-99 replication attempts that have reported unusual or interesting properties.

Johannes Ernst

Another reason I don't like "federated" as a term is this:

If somebody says something is federated, how many things do you think are federating? My default assumption would be: maybe a few dozen. Like the federated 50 US states, or the 16 states in the Federal Republic of Germany, or maybe a handful of healthcare organizations in an identity federation.

My default assumption is not: tens of thousands, as the fediverse is today, or even millions as the fediverse may be tomorrow.

Aswath Rao

Can't we view Internet to be a federation of sub-networks? At one time routers & bridges were the two competing federating protocols until routers won over.

Johannes Ernst

Let’s say you are the CEO of a major corporation, brought on recently to help turn it around and put it back on a growth course. Now CNN is doing an article about you. Great! What do you expect the first sentence to be?

What about: “Linda Yaccarino is living in a world of delusion.”

Hmm. And all your employees will have read it by lunchtime.

Johannes Ernst

Welcome @OmniGroup to the fediverse, I may be late noticing.

Johannes Ernst

There's a session on #testing #interop in the #fediverse tomorrow morning (pacific time) of the W3C's #SWICG, with presentations from a few people including yours truly.

If you are interested in how to make the Fediverse more reliably interoperate, and in building a community around automating tests that can be applied to lots of fediverse apps, come attend? The meeting is open to all.

/cc @fedidevs @activitypubtestsuite

Jeremiah Lee

@J12t I’m in flight then but can’t wait to watch a recording if made available.

Johannes Ernst

If you were to write an "analyst report" and you had three short bullet points to explain "why the #fediverse, and why now?", what would you write?

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Adam Dalliance


* Own your own data
* No enshitification
* No risk of being cancelled or bought out.



1. Open Standards - the fediverse is just an extension of the web, an open standard for social networking was inevitable, and long overdue.
2. Decentralization - preventing a single entity from becoming a gatekeeper and bottleneck like Twitter and Reddit did.
3. Moderation - communities want to set cultural standards for themselves, and still communicate with each other.

All of these are reactions to centralized big-tech having captured social media in Web2.0


1. Open Standards - the fediverse is just an extension of the web, an open standard for social networking was inevitable, and long overdue.
2. Decentralization - preventing a single entity from becoming a gatekeeper and bottleneck like Twitter and Reddit did.
3. Moderation - communities want to set cultural standards for themselves, and still communicate with each other.


1) Rampant enshitification due to networks wanting to profit off AI and a minor downturn scaring VCs into wanting a higher ROI
2) Social media has become a prime means to get info iso. websearch like Google used to. People taking the obligation to provide that info without relying on a single unreliable service
3) People wising up on their privacy, suffering ad-burnout and want a solution that gets out of their way and instead focuses on just functioning

Johannes Ernst

Streaming is turning into cable tv, in terms of pricing and ads.

The supposed revolution turns into the old guard.


@J12t except that with streaming it’s a whole lot easier to switch providers every ~month to bing-watch from different collections

And there’s still no streaming equivalent to news channels

Johannes Ernst

Threads has implemented rel=me, but if I read mozeri’s post correctly, only in one direction. That would not be good or sufficient.

#relme #threads

Johannes Ernst

“Pastor alarmed after Trump-loving congregants deride Jesus' teachings as 'weak'”.

It simply had to come to this. A bunch of “Christian” churches would clearly expel Jesus himself for being far too “liberal”.

Johannes Ernst

Finished “Children of Time” by Adrian Tchaikovsky. Actual science fiction, not just a story in some off-world setting. Interesting book, recommended.

Johannes Ernst

From 55 seconds to <0.5 seconds. What a little caching can do. I declare success.

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