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Johannes Ernst

“… [she] was both brilliant and smart — which in his opinion was a bad combination, as it made her … prone to seeing three sides to every black-or-white issue”.

One of the things I enjoy a lot about @cstross’s writing are his little side jabs of out-of-plotline social commentary. This is from “Invisible Sun”.

Johannes Ernst

OH: I'm not yet zucchini'd out.

After discussing what's in the yard and what's for dinner.

Johannes Ernst

Today’s art. A collaboration between human, machine, the temperature and unforeseen circumstances.

Johannes Ernst

So I had bought some Swiss Chard seeds on a whim when walking by the seed packets in the store. Planted them in my system. Forgot about them.

Today I finally decided to investigate what those plants were that are all big now. Swiss Chard! One quick recipe look up later, the first batch of leaves went right into the pan with some garlic and olive oil, and we had delicious veggies on the side for lunch.

Would never have happened when buying veggies in the store.

Johannes Ernst, the Mastodon instance that I'm mostly on, is a coop, so users like me get to vote.

An important vote just closed, about whether to federate with Meta's Threads or not.

I don't quite agree with the outcome, but it is something I can live with as a compromise, and I VASTLY PREFER this messy, argumentative, and lengthy (yes!) process of member democracy over any unilateral action by any instance administrator or overlord, even if they are quite benevolent.

Others should emulate.

Jon Udell

@J12t I'm also on but missed the memo about this vote. How would/should I have known about it?

Johannes Ernst

“Before the 1920s, swimming pools in the North were segregated along gender lines but not racial ones.

This changed as they became gender integrated.
Racial stereotypes around cleanliness and safety, as well as intense fears of Black men interacting with White women in bathing suits, turned pools into some of the most segregated public spaces in America.”

I did not know the first part of this history.

“Before the 1920s, swimming pools in the North were segregated along gender lines but not racial ones.

This changed as they became gender integrated.
Racial stereotypes around cleanliness and safety, as well as intense fears of Black men interacting with White women in bathing suits, turned pools into some of the most segregated public spaces in America.”

Johannes Ernst

Learned a new #Linux thing:


and as a side effect, that there are different "normalization forms" in unicode.

Nemo_bis 🌈

@J12t Looks like it's convmv in Fedora. Encoding detection is a dark art!

Meanwhile, all hail TR15.

Johannes Ernst

Frozen Margarita on some rocks.

The result of larger ice cubes in the new ice cube tray meeting the blender which has decided to merely juggle some of them.

Johannes Ernst

The interop requirements set by the #EU in recent years definitely are being heeded. This one is about what Google will do re messaging interop.

Johannes Ernst

Humans are not very reliable at doing math correctly. Look at the resulting picture.

Johannes Ernst

Agreeing with @mmasnick that #copyright is not the tool to rely on to avoid that #ai companies slurp up and use all available data. I made a similar point in an interview with the Mercury News a couple of weeks ago: first, let's figure out what the *right* thing is here -- because we don't know -- , and then what rules we need to get there. Because machines reading all textbooks, movies etc is a genuinely new thing, likely requiring new approaches to regulation.

Agreeing with @mmasnick that #copyright is not the tool to rely on to avoid that #ai companies slurp up and use all available data. I made a similar point in an interview with the Mercury News a couple of weeks ago: first, let's figure out what the *right* thing is here -- because we don't know -- , and then what rules we need to get there. Because machines reading all textbooks, movies etc is a genuinely new thing, likely requiring new approaches to regulation.

Toni Aittoniemi

@J12t @mmasnick I’m in with you. We actually had chances to learn about a new class of art, the #transform, innumerable times. For example wirh Hip-Hop music.

But we keep ignoring the signs shoehorning everything into the ”original artist” conception and rubberband back to the old.

I’m a #musicologist, and I’ve read so many good theories that never get out of libraries on this.

#ai #art is a #remix

Daniel Tuttle 🌵🤘

@J12t @mmasnick agreed, but with the current political gridlock in the US, it's just not gonna happen unfortunately. This will be an issue that gets decided by people woefully undereducated on the subject's complexities.

Johannes Ernst

After all these years with the #web, we sometimes forget just how amazing of a medium it is. Came across this. It could never happen "in an app" or perhaps any other medium.

🌊 Gary Goosey 🇺🇸 🇺🇦🗽🌊 🧵

@J12t #Threads engagement numbers are plummeting so hard that #BarackObama joining last night got a measly 2.2 Million Threads accounts to engage with him and follow him. That number is > the TOTAL number of daily active Mastodon users EVERYWHERE. #Threads is Massive. With time, it will be the biggest contributor to #Fediverse expansion.

#JohnMastodon #IAmMastodon #TwitterExodus #TwitterRefugee #TwitterRIP #Fediverse #Artifact #Threads

Johannes Ernst

It's been years since I've seen a winmail.dat, but here it is. What does this signify?

Johannes Ernst

My #lemmy group on collecting #news articles on the #fediverse has already attracted 58 subscribers in 24 hours. That is a lot more than I had expected.

So far it has collected 5 recent pieces in Wired, PopSci, The New Stack, AdAge, and

wakest ⁂

@J12t oh cool I will definitely submit to this. Might be interesting to get some historical articles here too I have a lot bookmarked from the past 15 years

I'm Kerro

@J12t This is really good! #Thankyou for making it happen.

Johannes Ernst

Let's say you have a fan mounted above some Raspberry Pis that sometimes overheat. So it doesn't get used very often.

Surprising insight of the day: you can point it at yourself if it is hot in the home office in the summer!!

Equality for people and Pi's! Not just Pi's get to use the fan!!

(Like that AC we had decades ago at that first university institute I worked. It was for the computers in the computer room only, not the people who got to sweat.)


@J12t back in the 1900’s I had a summer job in a computer lab with a data center. I made it a point to spend a few minutes in there every couple of hours, “rebooting my server”, as one did back in those days. It was a blissful way to avoid the heat and humidity.

Matisyahu 🏳️‍🌈✡️🌹🚆🚂🥑🇺🇦

@J12t I wouldn't be surprised that the first wave of people were about reserving their username but as Meta adds features that people want/need that you'll see people return to using it more. Long term the growth will be an upwards trend but there will be dips/plateau then growth starts again.

Johannes Ernst

“She looked like the punchline of a joke about vampires and sunlight.”

From Invisible Sun by @cstross.

Johannes Ernst

How do I find out who the supposedly 26 subscribers are of my newly created #lemmy group for press coverage of the Fediverse? Is there a button somewhere that I can't see?

Johannes Ernst

Doing a #CCPA "right to access" data request at data broker Equifax.

They respond by sending me a "text file with very long lines" that has a .png (image!) file extension. This means most people won't be able to open it; Firefox surely says the file is corrupted.

Happens to everybody, right, when programming text downloads that they accidentally give them .png extensions, and QA doesn't catch it???!?

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