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Johannes Ernst

A hurricane and an earthquake on the same day is a bit much. Even if neither of them is too bad., apparently.

Johannes Ernst

SQL must be one of the largest time sinks ever invented for software developers.

Whatever you want to do, it feels like you have bring a Rube Goldberg machine to pick up a pebble.

Johannes Ernst

Note I'm not saying the relational calculus. That one is fine, perhaps less useful than generally assumed, but fine.

But SQL, the language, was created and propagated by hostile actors, I am convinced.

Thomas Guyot-Sionnest

@J12t It's funny, on one hand I have to agree, all small projects I tried to solve using SQL until now ended up being a time black hole... yet just now I decided to harvest some info from a large Gmail inbox (+500k emails) and to make our persistent I went with Sqlalchemy, and while I could not have done it as quickly without my pior SQL experience it ended up being pretty fast (incl. learning Sqlalchemy) and I didn't event wite a single ddl or dml statement!

Giulio Cesare Solaroli

@J12t I consider SQL awesome, but it has a few quirks get alway get in my nerves.
This revision is very interesting though:

Gabriele Pollara

@J12t i was able to read this post on Threads without having an account there. Already a step up on twitter's offering nowadays. (sorry, X)


@J12t oh hey, you can link to posts now - last I saw the whole site was an ad for the app that looked like it was going to do more data mining than social networking

Johannes Ernst

Just noticing that Amazon is downplaying the stars from user reviews. They are much smaller now. Yes, the wisdom of crowds is not what the monopoly sellers want any more.


@J12t is Facebook going to stop having the “marked safe during…” for newsworthy events in Canada?

Adam Dalliance

@J12t But the news ban is Canada's news ban.

Canada can lift the news ban any time Canada wants to, all they have to do it no longer have laws taxing sharing news.

Facebook doesn't want it, they are just doing what Canada asks.

😞 I hate when I have to admit Facebook are in the right.

Johannes Ernst

So Elon is supposedly removing the “block” feature on Twitter. I’m struggling to understand a rationale for that — even if it is a twisted one.

Anybody any ideas?


@J12t because he’s mad people have him blocked

C.J.H.3 🥞

@J12t to do what his Saudi backers want him to do...ruin Twitter. They bought neuter it.

Emme Ci 🍉

@J12t Both Xitter and Meta are letting journalists down. This should be an ideal time to convince newspapers and publishers to set up their own fediverse presence.

Maybe the way to go is a #journalism oriented #mastodon or #firefish fork with some nice publishing features and a very customisable look.

Johannes Ernst

Checking out Nostr again. It says I have "NaN followers". That's incredibly good, right?

Johannes Ernst

Ohh, PG&E.

If my password is wrong on your website, you should not print the error message "your account has been disabled. Please create a new one."

Also, if you have distinct user login/password dialog forms clearly built by different teams at different times using different tech but ON THE SAME WEBSITE, it would help if the error messages one gets are the same in each case.

Of course, you could also clean up your spaghetti code.

Johannes Ernst

There are two kinds of people in the world, it seems to me.

Those that repress.
And those that encourage.

Which are you? Which percentage of the time?

How can we all do better?


@J12t The way I think about: I can do better by learning when is the right time to repress and when is the right to encourage. These are wholly abstract terms and are not either good or bad on their own. What are repressing or encouraging - your feelings, someone that is in a more precarious situation than you or the sound of the radio in a shared living room?

Johannes Ernst

I am devastated by the news that Naomi Wu aka SexyCyborg has been silenced by the Chinese authorities.

She represents so many things that the world desperately needs: competence, confidence, ability to communicate, ability to cross cultures and languages, shattering of old stereotypes, a positive view of the future, and much more.

The repressive old guard should put itself away instead. In China and here because similar people are coming for the Naomis here, too.

I am devastated by the news that Naomi Wu aka SexyCyborg has been silenced by the Chinese authorities.

She represents so many things that the world desperately needs: competence, confidence, ability to communicate, ability to cross cultures and languages, shattering of old stereotypes, a positive view of the future, and much more.

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Sherri W (SyntaxSeed)

@J12t This is horrible news. Wu is one of those people who's mere existence made me assume it wasn't "that bad" there. So much for that.

I hope she's safe.

🌻 Defederate Threads 🌻

@J12t This is awful. I really liked watching Naomi's videos, as well as admiring her persistence and bravery. I hope she and her partner find a way out.



Yeah, I loved her explanations about life in China and cultural wrinkles that us in the west never really think about. And that's besides her fun projects and deeply technical tech videos.

But, she had warned many times something like this could happen to her, because that's how China rolls. Sad to see it. I miss her voice on things.

Johannes Ernst

Want to run Javascript on a device powered by a coin battery for a year? You heard that right ... my friends at Moddable have a new product.

Johannes Ernst

#Compsci people:

if you were to compare #distributed computing #architectures, what are the features along which you'd compare them?

Some ideas:
1. Where on the CAP tradeoffs something is.
2. Tolerance against hostile nodes.
3. Supporting localized innovation/extension.
4. Statistical properties such as max latency.
5. Ease of recovery from node failures.

Anybody have a good list so I don't need to make one up on my own?

#Compsci people:

if you were to compare #distributed computing #architectures, what are the features along which you'd compare them?

Some ideas:
1. Where on the CAP tradeoffs something is.
2. Tolerance against hostile nodes.
3. Supporting localized innovation/extension.
4. Statistical properties such as max latency.
5. Ease of recovery from node failures.

Johannes Ernst

We are all getting smarter, right?

“55 percent of American homes built this decade are at risk from wildfires, compared with just 14 percent of homes built between 1900 and 1959”

Johannes Ernst

Shout-out to @evan who is tirelessly working down issues that were reported against ActivityPub and ActivityStreams every week, and he does so in public.

Evan Prodromou

@J12t well, "tirelessly" might be a little bit of an exaggeration! But thank you.

Johannes Ernst

Act 108. Dec 31, 2020. Donald John Trump and John Charles Eastman file a document making certain statements in a lawsuit. “Earlier on the same day, John Charles Eastman sent an email to [other] attorneys … admitting his knowledge that at least some of the allegations in the verified complaint were not accurate.”

Got yourself a quality lawyer there, did you.

I’m just horrified at the idea that some of those guys might actually have been competent.

Act 108. Dec 31, 2020. Donald John Trump and John Charles Eastman file a document making certain statements in a lawsuit. “Earlier on the same day, John Charles Eastman sent an email to [other] attorneys … admitting his knowledge that at least some of the allegations in the verified complaint were not accurate.”

Johannes Ernst

Fediverse can scale. This project is very interesting! (Although their use of "Mastodon" instead of "ActivityPub server" is grating).


@J12t So, if I am understanding the link, they have built a commercial product called Rama, that acts as a generic infrastructure tool for dealing with distributed processes.

On top of this they implemented a Mastodon clone (in/using Rama). But surely the impact of this will be very limited, because, from the description, it looks like Rama is going to be a closed source product. Or am I misreading that?

Renaud Chaput

@J12t the Fediverse scaling issues are mostly non-technical IMO. Tech is easy to fix, moderation/financing/governance/… is far more complex.

Johannes Ernst

“Regularly awestruck”. A great line from a profile.

Johannes Ernst

#FediForum, the online unconference for the #Fediverse, is coming up next month.

FediForum got a prettier website a few days ago and we just published the list of topics people told us they were interested in discussing (and we could publish) while registering. Just like last time around, there's some interesting stuff in there. The Fediverse has its work cut out for itself.

Meet like-minded people? Get some stuff done like we did in March? Go to , to check it out.

Andy Piper

@J12t unfortunately I am on vacation that week, but I shall definitely be encouraging folks from across the #Fediverse to get involved!


@J12t congrats, nice website! Also fair pricing

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