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Johannes Ernst

SQL must be one of the largest time sinks ever invented for software developers.

Whatever you want to do, it feels like you have bring a Rube Goldberg machine to pick up a pebble.

Johannes Ernst

Note I'm not saying the relational calculus. That one is fine, perhaps less useful than generally assumed, but fine.

But SQL, the language, was created and propagated by hostile actors, I am convinced.

Dan Lyke

@J12t I dunno, I'll see your SQL complaints and raise you every single freaking JSON store database.

Johannes Ernst

@danlyke the hostile actors brought in a new generation who improved on the work of their ancestors

Thomas Guyot-Sionnest

@J12t It's funny, on one hand I have to agree, all small projects I tried to solve using SQL until now ended up being a time black hole... yet just now I decided to harvest some info from a large Gmail inbox (+500k emails) and to make our persistent I went with Sqlalchemy, and while I could not have done it as quickly without my pior SQL experience it ended up being pretty fast (incl. learning Sqlalchemy) and I didn't event wite a single ddl or dml statement!

Giulio Cesare Solaroli

@J12t I consider SQL awesome, but it has a few quirks get alway get in my nerves.
This revision is very interesting though:

Johannes Ernst

@gcsolaroli on the first glance, that seems much saner!

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