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1,617 posts total
Johannes Ernst

And another war. The count of active conflicts appears to be steadily increasing.

Johannes Ernst

What can Hamas reasonably expect to gain here? Shock? Yes. Hostages? Yes. But then what? I’m not seeing the picture they are apparently seeing, unless I include Iran.

Johannes Ernst

“This time he would reach the sky…

The tree of axiomatic systems beneath him was broad, deep, strong… his sibling-twins has branched at choice points … spread into the distance with webs of logic… as he reached upwards, his own rich growth path assured … something ahead of him: a new postulate … but: the statement was undecidable!”

Ha, a literal world of logic. That’s a new one for me. “Vacuum Diagrams” by Stephen Baxter. #scifi

Mark Whybird

@J12t Sounds like the kind of thing Greg Egan would write

Johannes Ernst

93F is a bit warm in October, even in California.


@J12t Germany can't afford to import all the energy it needs (besides the principled opposition to nukes, another problem was that they used fuel from Russia).


@J12t reducing carbon emissions is simple, and simple things are almost never easy

Johannes Ernst

Trying to run Windows again the first time in a few months. So far I'm on the 5th reboot, I think.

I should really always try to run it the day before I need it.

Johannes Ernst

@darnell : the BBCs thoughts on mastodon and the fediverse were very nicely outlined at the recent FediForum:


@J12t @darnell

Yeah but the number of @BBCRD channels doors not grow and the engagement is pretty low so maybe we should wait until their experiment is over

Johannes Ernst

How many people knew what an “atto” is before today?

I learned it down to pico because capacitors, of course, and I’m not sure I ever had much use for femto and atto … that was similar for things above mega for a while, but then we got FETs with giga-ohms and then computer storage put it out of the park.

Johannes Ernst

One very reasonable thing the Germans did in their post-WWII constitution is to NOT have a mechanism to remove the chancellor, only a mechanism to elect another chancellor in their place. A “constructive” vote of no confidence, instead of a destructive one.

Another exhibit for why that is a better plan: the US House today.

The opportunity to wreck havoc is an attack surface. Why not reduce its size?

Alessio :linux:

@J12t here in Italy if I recall correctly we have the same thing but an escape hatch to that was found using “technical governments”. A real shame for a nation that calls itself a democracy

Johannes Ernst

Imho the speaker removal today is another sign of an active, organized campaign of subversion that aims to degrade the US government’s ability to act.

It’s not right vs left, or progressive vs conservative. Like in a magician’s card trick, that’s just what the operation wants you to pay attention to.

If the actions do not, and cannot advance the supposed objectives, the real objectives must be different from the stated ones.

Johannes Ernst

Observation on some other platform:

"certain Republicans just joined with Democrats to oust a Speaker on account of that Speaker joining with Democrats to keep the government open, pay the troops and civil servants, etc.?"

Johannes Ernst

If you just harvested your afternoon Kohlrabi snack, and on the way back, you step on a cucumber, you got to eat both right then and there, right?

Johannes Ernst

Online account hygiene. Is that a thing?

I realized I do not know how many google accounts I have, for example. Sooner or later that’s going to bite me, isn’t it, so I better figure this out and clean this up?

How do you all keep track of this stuff over decades?


@J12t they're in my password manager or they don't exist :)

I likely have dozens of google accounts because every organization that requires one gets a new account, usually a new browser profile as well, as Wierd Al sings, "Keep them separated"

I don't think 'google account', I think 'FLOSS project account' or 'kid activity account' and add a note in my password manager that it's via the googs

Johannes Ernst

Browsing Newegg website. Suddenly all pages turn to this.

Believe me I was not trying to buy an Intel Core 2.


@J12t but it's at a great price point. Are you sure you don't want that deal?

Travis F W

@J12t Newegg seemed to take a turn for the worse many years ago. I don't know why. Do you still like them?

Johannes Ernst

Some people will set up their social network to consist entirely of imaginary friends. And they will prefer those over real people.

Imagine a non-trivial fraction of humanity does this. What does this do to humanity?

H/t @caseynewton

Dan Lyke

@J12t looking at the tabloids by the supermarket checkout one might argueb that they already have, and moving the parasocial relationships to LLMs doesn't actually change that much.

Cristina DeLisle

@J12t @caseynewton I doubt it will be something users will like per se. Having it as productivity tools makes it more approachable. It's not cool to waste your time with bots online. It's already a problem of social media now and people are quitting / losing trust. The loss of authenticity and realness will probably make more and more people quit social media and focus more on real life. The entire sell point of social media is that it emulates your reality, not create a new, fake one.

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