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Johannes Ernst

Online account hygiene. Is that a thing?

I realized I do not know how many google accounts I have, for example. Sooner or later that’s going to bite me, isn’t it, so I better figure this out and clean this up?

How do you all keep track of this stuff over decades?


@J12t they're in my password manager or they don't exist :)

I likely have dozens of google accounts because every organization that requires one gets a new account, usually a new browser profile as well, as Wierd Al sings, "Keep them separated"

I don't think 'google account', I think 'FLOSS project account' or 'kid activity account' and add a note in my password manager that it's via the googs

Johannes Ernst

@lufthans what’s your password manager availability strategy? All eggs in one basket and all of that …


@J12t honestly, I don't care about any of my non-work google accounts except those on the phones and I'm working to reduce those

password manager is KeePassX with local files. Backups are done as part of filesystem, but also to some extra places (haphazardly) since I need the password manager to open my backups :)

KeePass files are pretty common, several applications can open them

I could GPG encrypt the KeePass files for extra encryption and store them on Nextcloud for offsite

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