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Johannes Ernst

The right wing complains that Biden in an interview looked “tired”.

Well, if given what’s going on in the Middle East, he isn’t tired right now, he wouldn’t be doing his job!

The closest we have in tech land is that prod is down, but I take this any time over matter of war and peace for tens of millions, maybe more.

James M.

@J12t they, like any bully, will find any excuse to speak badly about Biden. If they can't find an excuse, they make one up. It's not about Biden being old, or tired, or "senile". It's just about them being against Biden, regardless of any rationality, because the people they follow told them to be against Biden.

Johannes Ernst

If a16z says “Our enemy is corruption, regulatory capture, monopolies, cartels.” — what’s the evidence that they fight it?


@wearenew_public You should come to the next #fediforum and run a session, such as on the 200+ digital spaces you inventoried!

Johannes Ernst

Since I was a kid, I wondered how displaying dead people in museums was okay. Slower than expected.

Travis F W

@J12t it's 2023 and hypocrisy is finally starting to be recognized as not okay. In extreme cases.

Johannes Ernst

FediPunk, to build on SolarPunk with decentralized social communication tech like the fediverse! Count me in!

By @bluebbberry

#solarpunk #fedipunk #fediverse

Travis F W

@J12t @bluebbberry good stuff, but… I could get behind #p2punk. Fedi is a compromise, and while it's a big step in the right direction, that's just not the #thrivable future I really hope for.

Johannes Ernst

Interesting. #Kaiser made $91b in revenue from its almost 9.1m enrollees in California last year. That presumably covers everything including insurance payments, copay, meds, stuff like hand lotion if you buy it at a kaiser pharmacy, and I don’t know what else.

That’s about $10k from almost exactly a quarter of the population in #california.

Source: the mental health settlement

Johannes Ernst

It’s great when #regulation works. Kaiser Permanente charged $200m for not doing better on #mentalhealth.

To be fair, #kaiser is one of the better #healthcare orgs. I hope they go after the rest next.

Johannes Ernst

#NewPublic assembled a list of 200+ “digital spaces” that are promising to be better for us than the dominant social media products.

Travis F W

@J12t i wish I could do more than boost that. Wow.

Johannes Ernst

@elipariser so given what NewPublic is all about, I was expecting a #fediverse follow link on, but no such luck. Just the usual overlords in the cloud there. What would it take to make that happen?

Eli Pariser

@J12t there’s a long story there—we were going to have a handle here, then got guidance that organizational handles were generally looked poorly upon, and didn’t. But I think that guidance was wrong or out of date.

New_ Public

@J12t @elipariser Ok, you convinced us! We've been meaning to do this for a while and now we're on Mastodon too.

Johannes Ernst

“Iran sent a message to Israel on Saturday stressing that it does not want further escalation in the Hamas-Israel war, but that it will have to intervene if the Israeli operation in Gaza continues”

The world is in short supply of cooler heads, on all sides. I’m not liking where this is going at warp speed.

Abraham Samma

@J12t their plan was to use Hezbollah to attack the Northern frontier but chatter on the ground indicates that the presence of two US warships off the coast has killed that plan in its crib. Hamas is on its own, and it will be dismantled. They're panicking at the moment which is great for the IDF. It'll make things easier.

Johannes Ernst

Happy birthday @evan !! May you have a great day and many years of successful ActivityPub adoption and interop 🙂

Johannes Ernst

Just learned there is a "emulate x86" setting in Docker on Apple Silicon hosts.

Johannes Ernst

Friday the 13th is a good day for me.

An eon ago, I passed my driver's test on that day. Second try 🙂

Johannes Ernst

Anybody using Firefox Containers?

If so, how do you organize your containers? By site? (E.g. you have a Google container, and a Microsoft container) or by persona? (e.g. you have a container for all sites where you using and another for or ...?

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Bruce Adams

@J12t @travisfw I have a google container, had a Twitter container back when I was willing to use Twitter. Another big use for me is separate containers for the several AWS accounts I need to use, often at the same time: “dev”, “ci”, “qa”, “staging”, “prod”.

Steve E

@J12t I started using containers because it eliminated problems logging into separate Microsoft365 containers, which I have to use for different clients. I do try to separate heavy trackers like Google, Facebook, and Amazon, but I'm not very rigorous, so they probably don't protect me as well as they could.

Jeff Sikes

@J12t my experience with containers hasn’t been great, at least with my work requirements. I need to open the same sites as three different people…myself, a test user, and a super admin. It just about blows a gasket trying to figure out which container to open for the site.

I tried profiles, too and that’s really what I need. But it doesn’t work very well compared to chrome or safari. Ended up with corrupted profiles and had to start over, several times.

@J12t my experience with containers hasn’t been great, at least with my work requirements. I need to open the same sites as three different people…myself, a test user, and a super admin. It just about blows a gasket trying to figure out which container to open for the site.

I tried profiles, too and that’s really what I need. But it doesn’t work very well compared to chrome or safari. Ended up with corrupted profiles and had to start over, several times.

Johannes Ernst

Consumer Reports says over 1 million "data deletion requests" under relevant data / privacy laws have been issued from their Permission Slip app.

#privacy #ccpa #gdpr

Johannes Ernst

Hey #classicalmusic and #ai fans:
If one trained a suitable #ml model on all Bach fugues, it should be able to generate passable fugues itself, I would think. Is that a reasonable hypothesis?

Johannes Ernst

Twitter wasn’t worth it to NPR. When they left, traffic only fell by 1%.

#twitter #npr


@J12t how much of this is ads are generally not worth that much, outside of large scale well coordinated and expensive campaigns?

More specifically, without knowing what NPRs social media was like, so established is the individual creator/influencer landscape now, where you can subscribe to actual people, that a company using social media as a form of advertising for their content, which is available outside the platform, maybe makes no sense any more?



Headline: NPR Found Out in a Hurry that X Was Not Worth It.

Johannes Ernst

So @tchambers i notice that you guys have a fourth (I think) version of the Twitter migration report out and publish it via, which looks like a WordPress site, talk in the report about the WordPress ActivityPub plugin, but haven’t installed it yet? Otherwise I’d follow your site right from here.

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