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Johannes Ernst

Ask a question. Get a windows printer test page in response. And other curious “responses” to the #ftc’s query on #robocall mitigation.

Johannes Ernst

It’s practically impossible to use #https for devices on home networks, such as #iot devices — the #certificate system simply isn’t made for servers behind firewalls.


E.g. why can’t I easily get an intermediate (and official) CA cert for my home gateway, which then could issue certs for my devices, maybe in the same breath as assigning local dns names?

Is it that simply nobody cares about this use case, and everybody is happy enough with going through vendor clouds? Or why is that?

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2swu35 // TCPup

@J12t I do have SSL for a lot of the stuff, but in a kinda cheaty way since I have external resolving DNS which enables generating let’s encrypt certs, and internally I point to the private IP and that enables me to speak https with valid certificates…

Yeah not the best solution but works 🤷‍♂️

Ben Francis

@J12t There's a W3C Community Group for this

(They haven't come up with a solution yet).

Steve Atkins

@J12t If you own a domain it’s pretty simple to get real certs from letsencrypt for non-Internet machines using dns-01 authentication. I use “lego” as a client, but most of the decent acme clients support it.

Johannes Ernst

"The core data layer lacked a schema".

This morsel and many others in a retrospective of the "rescue" about 10 years ago.

Johannes Ernst

AWS Tech Pubs has no idea how their file name encoding works either.

Why else would they use words like "might likely need"?

Johannes Ernst

@apparentlymart It's been a long time. Still (again!) the same subjects 🙂

Johannes Ernst

Hey @gaberivera , I know this is hard, but … perhaps a prominent notion of which item was published before and after in an ongoing situation would help…

Johannes Ernst

The BBC is actually doing its homework. Wish everybody did who has an opinion on what actually happened at that hospital in Gaza. Particularly, would be great to see similarly detailed research that leads to a different conclusion.

#israel #gaza #hamas


@J12t good to see a breakdown of what we know, what we can conclude. Most of what I’m seeing is posts from people who have already made up their mind one way or the other. I also found this pretty good analysis from #WiredMagazine too: #hospital #gaza #hamas #israel

Axel Nennker

@J12t you should see the class names this engineering manager chose when they still had time for programming

Johannes Ernst

Anybody reporting or reposting on the war in the Middle East: you really need to identify your sources.

So much stuff is being passed around like “everybody knows” and so doesn’t need sources … if there’s anything “everybody [should] know” about this it is that a war like this is fought in the information space and on social media as intensively as on the ground. Without sources, you are an — intentional or unintentional — participant, not a distributor of facts.

#isreal #gaza #hamas #iran

Tim Erickson, @stpaultim


I don't really trust any statements of fact, especially on situations as volatile as this one, unless there is some source.

If you don't provide a source, I assume this is just your opinion (and/or a rumor).

Johannes Ernst

A shout-out to the worlds pharmaceutical industry for the pain killers and the vitamins, and everything in between including Paxlovid and so many other things.

Johannes Ernst

So far, the Iranian regime is winning. By some margin.

#iran #israel #gaza #hamas

Johannes Ernst

Nobody ever tests their websites on iPads. So much if it is unusable because what they implement is too cute by half. Maybe it works on full screens and on phones, but the stuff in the middle is simply a disaster. Overlapping html elements with no way out. Latest culprit: Axios.

Johannes Ernst

In today’s introduction to control system design, consider the following:

The plant: my body. The perturbation: COVID infection. The controller: my brain, addled and mostly absent. The output value: body temperature. The input: a function changing over time whose value is how much ibuprofen to take when.

Constraint: maximize body temperature to recruit fever as an ally, but limit it to a max of 103F.

Tentative hypothesis: take half pill (100mg) every two hours.

Johannes Ernst

Definitely a step up. Of course, hopefully they don’t deploy. But these a ground troops.

Johannes Ernst

Remember the movie Antz? I want that movie … but between the invasion by the COVID virus and my body’s immune system, with the cavalry of Paxlovid coming, scientifically accurate, but in the style of Saving Private Ryan. It would be epic!!

If you are wondering why I’m pondering this, you would be correct. It’s day two, and I’m not having much fun. Managing to avoid it for 3.5 years is not too bad, but I guess the laws of statistics say it was only a matter of time.

Stefan Bohacek

@J12t Ah, that sucks. Wishing you a speedy recovery!

Internet Rando


Another internet rando hoping you get well soon. 💐

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