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Johannes Ernst

Very interesting feature comparison of Xitter, Mastodon, threads and a few others from Dewey Square’s most recent Twitter migration report.

#twitter #x #mastodon #threads

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Bill Turner

@J12t "T2" is I had to search, as I hadn't heard of another network starting up.

73 million seconds

@J12t curious about what happened with Bluesky for them to be listed as “standoffish” with journalists?

Johannes Ernst

Saw a demo of the #openid interop #test suite this week at internet #identity workshop #iiw. Very impressive! We need that kind of thing for the #fediverse.


@J12t How adaptable is the methodology? Because we need it, bad.

Johannes Ernst

So @pfefferle, I was expecting from the #mastodon model that I could copy the post’s URL into the mastodon search field, from where I could like it and comment on it. But no such luck?

Johannes Ernst

Congratulations @pfefferle for getting Automattic to offer #activitypub on all blogs starting now !

This is huge!

#wordpress #activitypub #fediverse

Matthew Miller :donor:

@J12t @pfefferle This is amazing to see, Wordpress still powers so much of the internet!

...But I've avoided Wordpress because I know how crazy they can be to administer. That said I do enjoy posting Mastodon, and I do enjoy blogging but bemoan how my static-site-generator-centric build process for my current blog means I can post on maybe now is a good time to consider migrating my blog to (hosted) Wordpress?

Johannes Ernst

“Engage a Wider Audience With ActivityPub on
The fediverse has arrived at
Exciting times are here for all users! The revolutionary ActivityPub feature is now available across all plans, unlocking a world of engagement and interaction for your blog. Your blogs can now be part of the rapidly expanding fediverse, which enables you to connect with a broader audience and attract more followers”

Johannes Ernst

It’s seems to me the better strategy for #israel would be attempt to create a division between “peaceful Gaza residents” and “militants” and attempt to get some of the first ones to help rout out the second ones. If they treat everybody as enemy, everybody will fight back as enemy, for the next several generations as it happened for far. And nit getting shot in the Gaza barrel is surely an incentive.

But there’s no indication that is what they are doing. Why not?

Nathan Schneider

@J12t Because the policy of the Israeli state is to undermine the possibility Palestinian survival. Having friendly Palestinian neighbors would be pressure to make those Palestinians full citizens, which would make it harder to have an ethno-state.

Abraham Samma

@J12t the peaceful Gazans are almost nonexistent as far as people on the ground can tell. No one is allowed to question Hamas' authority or narrative. They're better off moving to Israel or the West Bank or somewhere else. Hamas' rule and indoctrination industry (it's the only way to describe their recruitment process) in Gaza is absolute. Which is why many in Israel (including Obama this time around) are now advocating for its "dismantling". It's the only way to deradicalize that enclave.

Johannes Ernst

What's the best description you've read how #social media -- particularly the #fediverse -- will look like in 5 years?

Johannes Ernst

My other desk has always had a different computer. Now that its monitor and keyboard are connected to the same computer as on the primary desk, I'm information-spatially confused: instinctively, I want to move to the other desk to do something because it used to need the computer over there, and now I don't need to do that! Very disorienting.

I've long held that information should be spatially allocated. Used to call that "situational computing" some ages ago, we still don't have much of it.

Johannes Ernst

Today, things actually look like fall in Northern California. After several days of 90F temperatures last week. Today is only in the sixties.

Welcome, fall!

Johannes Ernst

“She felt a paradigm dissolving inside her…”

These are the best kind!

Johannes Ernst

What’s the most compelling use of HTML 5 custom tags that you’ve seen?

(Other than A-Frame, that one is really good but quite special purpose.)

#html #html5

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Sampath Pāṇini ®

@J12t @evan
Sometimes, I wonder if society could be backward-compatible.

Mike Macgirvin (dev)
We went through the same thing with email. E/SMTP eventually won, but it took a few years for the dust to settle. There were roughly the same number of competing factions. Those that embraced E/SMTP even with its flaws tended to survive, and those that didn't are lost to history. This time around I find myself in a competing faction; but I do know how this story ends. And I also know that E/SMTP is on its way out because we ignored the criticism of the competing factions and never did adequately addresss the identity and spam issues. It had a good run, but I think we're doomed to keep doing this until we get it right.
We went through the same thing with email. E/SMTP eventually won, but it took a few years for the dust to settle. There were roughly the same number of competing factions. Those that embraced E/SMTP even with its flaws tended to survive, and those that didn't are lost to history. This time around I find myself in a competing faction; but I do know how this story ends. And I also know that E/SMTP is on its way out because we ignored the criticism of the competing factions and never did adequately...
Mark Stosberg

@J12t @evan “Everything needs to be W3C- and SocialCG-led”

Nope. Sometimes governance fails on effectively govern.

I’m grateful for all the successful #opensource projects that exist only because they forked.

Johannes Ernst

New monitor setup. Now I have two large monitors in mirrored mode connected to the same MacBook Pro. Two external keyboards. 3 external mice and an external trackpad (yes, I use both hands).

One is at my regular standing desk.
The other one is at a standing desk above an under-the-table treadmill.

The thesis: this will make it more likely that I'm using the treadmill while working. The result? Should I be afraid to find out?

Johannes Ernst

An interview with the commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard about #israel and the #palestinians from last year (I think). Pointed to by If that’s the basic situation, we are in for something much more major than what has happened so far.

Google translated (Apple’s translation of this piece is catastrophically useless)


Johannes Ernst

Can somebody explain the cause of the visceral hatred of Israel by the Iranians? I can understand that they are opposed, enemies even, but what about this very emotional undercurrent underneath everything?


@J12t they in short - they are a religious extremest fundamentalist terror group akin to isis or Al Qaida

Johannes Ernst

An explanation for what is going on between #isreael and #hamas.

It makes some sense, if you think it makes sense to start a war in order to prevent peace being made elsewhere.

Johannes Ernst

So I just realized something about the climate and the future:
… As the average temperature of the air rises
… there is more energy in the atmosphere
… which means wind speeds, on average, get higher
… which means a wider jet stream, for example (we see this already I think)
… which means more mixing of colder air towards the poles with warmer air towards the equator
… which means pole-equator temperature differences are shrinking
… which means the poles warm much faster than the equator (1/)

Johannes Ernst

… which means anybody thinking moving north (in the northern hemisphere) towards a colder climate for themselves and their descendants may be in for a surprise, as it gets much warmer much faster
We may see some of this happening already.
And there is corraborating evidence:

Johannes Ernst

I'm surprised how much news and commentary with #israel #hamas hash tags I'm finding in the #fediverse today.

Has breaking news made an appearance in the fediverse? That would be awesome!!


@J12t same here. Twitter is not working right now and Threads is still not good enough to follow the news. Here I can follow the #Israel hashtag and I’m getting tons of last minute news.

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