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Johannes Ernst

In Signal, I can send a "Note to Self".

I can also block that contact.

Do I dare?

Elena Rossini ✏️✨📸

@J12t haha let me know how that goes - if you dare! 😆

Unrelated but I love Signal and it's the first time I'm experiencing issues with it. I need to move over my chat history to a new iOS phone and I've been at it for a WEEK... est. time was 37 hrs and I simply can't be without a phone for that long. I was disappointed... until I looked at how much data I had on it. 🥁 roll: 44GB!!! No wonder. I deleted a few chats and I'm now down to 29GB, which gives an estimate of 7 hrs. Doing it overnight 😅

Johannes Ernst

These snap peas are … big! At least twice the volume of what you get in the store,

Johannes Ernst

Pondering fake news and AI hallucinations.

Practically, there isn't really any difference, is there? Fake news might be more credible at this point, but I'm sure AIs will improve ... 😛

Dan Lyke

@J12t intent? Which seems heavily predicated on anthropomorphic interpretation of the Russian war machine.

James M.

@J12t I would say fake news (intentional disinformation) is more targeted than AI hallucinations (accidental misinformation).

Johannes Ernst

If "AI answers" are the future of web search -- at least that's the common wisdom these days -- then it appears search ads will turn into paid mentions as part of the AI answers.

Overt and covert strategies are possible. Like mentioning the product or vendor overtly, or not mentioning them at all, but claiming that some feature X is absolutely required (but only the paid vendor provides it).

In other words, web search will be entirely corrupted, and nobody will be able to tell how.

James M.

@J12t all the more reason for a decentralized and community-governed search engine!

Johannes Ernst

I just realized that arguably I started working on the social web in ~1999, not ~2005.

At Aviatis, I created this feature where our users -- who were engineers -- could share semantic objects of certain engineering diagrams shown in a browser with each other with deep context for purposes of collaboration around those objects. That's about as social as a use case as I can think of...

That was Java applets rather than HTML, but I don't think the users cared (except for the load times ...)

Johannes Ernst

"Well shit, we just need to blog more".

The Verge on why they redesigned their site in 2022. And that was before the Twitter takeover!

Johannes Ernst

Back in civilization! Todays hike to the top of Mt Umunhum, from the lower parking lot. About 15-16 miles, depending which map you believe, and about 2400 vertical feet. Took me 6.5h including lunch. Happy with myself but sure glad to be sitting on the couch again. Here’s the view from the start of the trail.

Johannes Ernst

What would it take for to become that political organizing app instead of Twitter or Threads? Isn’t it a much more logical place?

Anybody trying to make it so? Any reasons that speak against?

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Elena Rossini ✏️✨📸

@J12t I truly miss the way Twitter 1.0 helped activists organize and get visibility for their causes.

Every time I mention the Fediverse / Mastodon to my old friends that used to organize on there, they immediately ask “what’s that?”

Apparently some that tried to use Mastodon were turned off by the signup process. The network effect (lack of our community on here) was another problem for adoption.

I want to make it my mission to get them on here - and encourage their friends to join too


@J12t Mastodon (and fediverse in general) is not capable of being like Twitter. On Twitter, the entire political and social spectrum is able to express their views and communicate with all the Twitter users, as long as they follow the rules of Twitter which are clear and minimal.
On the other hand we have Mastodon, where admins are blocking other instances over the most trivial disagreements. All because they own the server so they get to choose what to do with it.
This creates an environment where people either have to censor themselves or be in an instance that is probably blocked by a lot of other instances.

@J12t Mastodon (and fediverse in general) is not capable of being like Twitter. On Twitter, the entire political and social spectrum is able to express their views and communicate with all the Twitter users, as long as they follow the rules of Twitter which are clear and minimal.
On the other hand we have Mastodon, where admins are blocking other instances over the most trivial disagreements. All because they own the server so they get to choose what to do with it.
This creates an environment where...

xyhhx :PunkFelix:

@J12t mastodon is terrible for activism. it's public, or not encrypted, and not heavily scrutinized for security requirements.

use something encrypted, not federated (or restrict federation to trusted servers/instances), or peer to perr

briar, cwtch, matrix, xmpp, or signal are all better options.

bear in mind that activism is risky, and can be dangerous. your server admin is actually not likely to be competent to harden a server adequately to defend against a prepared adversary, and even if they were they might just cooperate with law enforcement anyway. they should be tantamount to an adversary themselves if they aren't a collaborator

@J12t mastodon is terrible for activism. it's public, or not encrypted, and not heavily scrutinized for security requirements.

use something encrypted, not federated (or restrict federation to trusted servers/instances), or peer to perr

briar, cwtch, matrix, xmpp, or signal are all better options.

bear in mind that activism is risky, and can be dangerous. your server admin is actually not likely to be competent to harden a server adequately to defend against a prepared adversary, and even if they...


@J12t Scientific American is *part* of the Anti-Reality Industry. Check out anything it posts about human sexual biology; the place is run by gender activists now.

Johannes Ernst

I’ve heard somewhere that democracy dies in darkness.

“In a series of paragraphs that are up there as being among the most shocking I have read in my journalistic career, the Post acknowledged on Saturday — dropped in the middle of the holiday weekend, more than a week after the Times’s report — that they had known about the flag since at least January 20, 2021, and had not revealed knowledge of it until May 25, 2024.”

Johannes Ernst

For the past few years, I’ve been running #WeDistribute, a tech blog / news publication dedicated to open source, decentralized social communication systems. It’s evolved from a tiny personal blog to something that kind of resembles a news outlet.

This is a musing on my journey, and my hopes on where I can take this thing.

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Sean Murthy

@laurenshof Funny and sad.

BTW how are people getting these answers? By just searching at google dot com?

When I do that, I don't see any result labeled "AI Overview" in the All tab.

Maybe a good thing, but I'm just curious.

Johannes Ernst

I took the "shorter" route when I went a few years ago.

"There are other routes ... that lead to Mt. Whitney. They begin at less heavily-used trailheads, but require a much longer hike to reach the summit. The High Sierra Trail leaves from Giant Forest on the west side of Sequoia National Park, and is about 60 miles (100 km) one-way. It takes a minimum of 6 days (one way) or 10 days (round trip) to complete."

Met people on the trail who did that. Not for me.

I took the "shorter" route when I went a few years ago.

"There are other routes ... that lead to Mt. Whitney. They begin at less heavily-used trailheads, but require a much longer hike to reach the summit. The High Sierra Trail leaves from Giant Forest on the west side of Sequoia National Park, and is about 60 miles (100 km) one-way. It takes a minimum of 6 days (one way) or 10 days (round trip) to complete."

Johannes Ernst

Why would Google News basically randomize the order of the results in their search?

I want to know what's new in the press about the and I have to manually scan the whole list.

Johannes Ernst

This may well turn out to be an extremely important article for adoption of the beyond its current niches.

Liaizon Wakest

@J12t interesting read. Seems written by someone who has just learned of the fediverse for the first time so the language is very strange. The paragraph about how Flipboard federated someone into the fediverse made me laugh.

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@cstross …which is why I don’t use it for that purpose.

Of course, I’ve asked ChatGPT for nonessential programming, like making a Quine in 6502 assembly, and it succeeded in doing that. But for normal work, I don’t dare touch it because if it makes a mistake, then I will have no idea how to fix it.


@cstross i'm surprised it is only 52% and not much higher.


@cstross Hope healthcare, transportation aren't using AI for it because that's a whole lot of risk. They'd better lawyer up for the bugs that cause accidents and death.

Johannes Ernst

Nothing is as practical as a good theory.

I don't know who said it first, but they were right.

Aaron Suddjian

@J12t idk good practice is pretty dang practical

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William B Peckham

@JoeUchill remember When people said that robots revolting and attempting to extinguish humanity was just science fiction and could not happen? This is it, this is how it starts: this right here! It has already begun.


@JoeUchill I will do you one better, here is a research paper, fully peer reviewed and edited (more than once), published in an eminent scientific journal.

Maggie Maybe

@JoeUchill Train it with Reddit, what could go wrong??

Johannes Ernst

Imagine two identical with mainstream users. Same number of users, same connectedness of the social graph, same demographics etc.

Social network A only has an algorithmic feed. Social network B only has a chronological people-I-follow feed.

What would the usage numbers look like in comparison? Numbers of posts, numbers of likes/replies/boosts, growth trajectory, etc?

I would expect somebody has done some research on this. Anybody know of any public results?

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