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It's like they sat down & brainstormed ways to help Microsoft Recall look sane & reasonable by comparison to Google.



How am I supposed to use that calculation to work out how many sisters I have? Part of the calculation requires that I already know the answer.

Can't see anything else wrong with it :blobcatthink:


@markgg42 @laurenshof no no, you've misunderstood the math -- to find how many sisters you have, you have someone else do the math with the number of brothers / sisters *they* have.

Due to statistical sibling entanglement this should yield the correct number of your own sisters (within an acceptable margin of error)


@mvu @markgg42 @laurenshof
...where that range of error is two orders of magnitude.😆


@FeralRobots @markgg42 @laurenshof No, the person who asked this question likely had between 679.8 and 680.2 sisters. The math checks out (assuming the other person did in fact have 5 courses, the answer is vague on that, which is a little disappointing)


@mvu @markgg42 @laurenshof
right, but if *I* were to ask the question & the other numbers held constant, the answer would be off by 679 sisters. Though I suppose that's just "error", not a statistical margin of error - probably I should have between 678.8 and 679.2 more sisters. If so mom* was definitely hiding something.
*I'm assuming full sisters, but maybe I shouldn't?


@FeralRobots @markgg42 @laurenshof but you would theoretically ask someone *else* about about their sibling situation to get your numbers.

For example, of you asked *me* (someone with 0 sisters, -1.49 brothers, and 5 courses) you will find that the algorithm gives the expected result!


@mvu @markgg42 @laurenshof
ok yes that WAS obvious & well now I just feel silly.😔
(wait, what do we do with the courses again?)


@laurenshof This is some funny Monty Python stuff.

Carson Hill


I had no idea that I had that many sisters.

Underten Over

@laurenshof that makes a lot of sense ... so how many sisters do I actually have. I always thought it was zero, but maybe I wasn't calculating it right.


@discgolf @laurenshof
I also never realized that the number of sisters one has varies with the person to whom one is speaking.

elilla&, problem immigrant

@laurenshof my favourite is the one that instructs people who want to clean their washing machines, to fill their laundryroom with homemade chlorine gas

jfml ✨ Jonas Laugs

@elilla @laurenshof After that they can use non-toxic glue in their tomato sauce so the cheese doesn't slide off their pizza* 👌 (another perfectly reasonable and safe tip by Reddot/Google-AI)

*It's wild to me that this is a problem people have ...

lucasmz ∞

@elilla @laurenshof someone is gonna die for this, and news won't talk about it like they do for things usually (screaming about a non issue) (it is in this case a true issue)

Darrin West

@laurenshof This may actually work for ants in a colony. Ask any sister.

⠠⠵ avuko

@laurenshof now starts the real challenge: what was the original source of this … shall we be kind and call it “calculation”?

My bets are maybe a mangled combination of this doc (includes “brothers”, “sisters” and calculations written out including numbers):

Maybe in combination with something like:

But if someone finds a word-for-word copied source, that would be even more awesome.

Konstantin Taletskiy :aaaa:

@avuko @laurenshof I found the source: its pretty much verbatim copied from this Math Stackexchange question It look like some sort of puzzle maybe? Regardless, Google completely ignores any context and treats anything remotely similar to the use question as a perfect source of truth. Insane!

Sean Murthy

@laurenshof Funny and sad.

BTW how are people getting these answers? By just searching at google dot com?

When I do that, I don't see any result labeled "AI Overview" in the All tab.

Maybe a good thing, but I'm just curious.

Andreas K

@smurthys @laurenshof
As a guess, it's not yet deployed in all countries to 100% users.

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