How am I supposed to use that calculation to work out how many sisters I have? Part of the calculation requires that I already know the answer.
Can't see anything else wrong with it :blobcatthink:
How am I supposed to use that calculation to work out how many sisters I have? Part of the calculation requires that I already know the answer. Can't see anything else wrong with it :blobcatthink: 6 comments
@FeralRobots @markgg42 @laurenshof No, the person who asked this question likely had between 679.8 and 680.2 sisters. The math checks out (assuming the other person did in fact have 5 courses, the answer is vague on that, which is a little disappointing) @mvu @markgg42 @laurenshof @FeralRobots @markgg42 @laurenshof but you would theoretically ask someone *else* about about their sibling situation to get your numbers. For example, of you asked *me* (someone with 0 sisters, -1.49 brothers, and 5 courses) you will find that the algorithm gives the expected result! @mvu @markgg42 @laurenshof |
@markgg42 @laurenshof no no, you've misunderstood the math -- to find how many sisters you have, you have someone else do the math with the number of brothers / sisters *they* have.
Due to statistical sibling entanglement this should yield the correct number of your own sisters (within an acceptable margin of error)