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Johannes Ernst

YouTube just showed me a Google Gemini ad.

I have no idea what they just said. Something something bewildering new era.


Immediate reaction: I’m tempted to short them.

Johannes Ernst

I'm prototyping a fediverse sharing button. Anyone interested in giving it a try?

Feature highlights:

- shows a logo of supported fediverse software
- lets you share selected text
- remembers the last fediverse domain used

Demo: fediverse-share-button.stefanb

#fediverse #FediverseSharingButton

I'm prototyping a fediverse sharing button. Anyone interested in giving it a try?

Feature highlights:

- shows a logo of supported fediverse software
- lets you share selected text
- remembers the last fediverse domain used

Demo: fediverse-share-button.stefanb

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DJM (freelance for hire)

@stefan Waiting for the WordPress plugin version 🤔

Chirayu :verified: :flipboard:

@stefan not just the fediverse but I really want a :mastodon: share button across the websites and popular platforms like we have for Twitter, Facebook, Reddit etc

(it's a shame YouTube dot com still doesn't have it)

The adoption will come after the intrigue and familiarising it via a share icon will be of great service.

Ji Fu
@stefan the same bookmarklet code you use for Diaspora should work for Friendica too.[]=share
Johannes Ernst

Fascinating how quickly COVID variants still change. The currently dominant strain basically didn’t even show up on the chart in March.

Reilly Spitzfaden (they/them)

@J12t I definitely like what Lemmy/Kbin/etc. do. For me it's nice that they're different platforms than the microblogging ones — that way I can choose what to focus on

Michael Foster

@J12t Check out @newsmast! - this is what we’re all about. Any Mastodon account can log-in to the server to see Communities and the Feeds can be followed and joined from any Fediverse account. Next up - build your own Communities.

Johannes Ernst

The #Fediverse is like a startup in many ways.

Some days you are totally elated about all the amazing things that are becoming possible and within reach. We are changing the world!

Some other days you are in the depth of despair that this is never going to work and how could you possibly ever have thought otherwise.

This week definitely is the former. A movement is forming, good people are coming out of hiding and are getting excited and involved. So glad to be part of it!!

Johannes Ernst

An amazing in-person #Fediverse meetup with @miaq @Gargron @J12t @andypiper and more. Meeting moderators, users, and some of the folks building apps.

Johannes Ernst

Today was a great set of meetings and discussions, moving the #Fediverse forward. Nice to reconnect after too long with @chrismessina - and to meet @J12t @anca @frozencanuck in person, lots more connections to make tomorrow. It is an exciting time in the #ActivityPub and #MastodonAPI ecosystem!

Johannes Ernst

Pondering publishing as an industry.

It's a phenomenon that becomes possible when low-cost distribution at scale is available but to a relative scarcity of publishers.

It becomes less viable if everybody has access to mass distribution, or if the cost of reaching readers goes up.

Both are now happening: everybody can publish a website, and even fill it cheaply with AI generated content. And new gatekeepers extract ever-larger prices see #Google #AI.

The remedy: relationships, not publishing.


@J12t publishing is fine, as long as it’s not motivated by views/attention.

You can build relationships through publishing, but with ad revenue crashing in the past years and everybody racing the growth hack and out performance marketing each other in has become a race to the bottom.

If publishers can build relationships (like they do with email) without heavy reliance on search and social platforms, a better future is possible.

Johannes Ernst

A distributed social web of meaningful relationships.

Instead of a few centralized walled-garden apps that only tell you what an unaccountable third party wants you to know.

P.S. Still working on the messaging... how can I improve this?

Internet Rando


I keep seeing people lamenting being unable to game a following together because of a lack of algorithm.

What you're saying resonates with me because I never wanted that. Never joined a commercially run, centralized, social network, because I never saw it as a "network".

#ActivityPub means, when I follow someone (or someone follows me), I'm building my own social network out of people I personally want to associate with.

That value is worth well more than an algorithm could provide.


@J12t let the love flow freely, instead of somebody making money with it

Johannes Ernst

The "correct" strategy for Google's new AI search would be 1) to show as few links as possible, to keep the user inside the Google AI interface and the ads on fetch the highest price, and 2) those links that it does show should all/mostly be paid links.

Quite a change for the web. (I haven't used Google search for years and this certainly does not entice me to start doing so again.)

#google #search #ai #googleio

Johannes Ernst

"“Web publishers brace for carnage as Google adds AI answers,” ...Until now, publishers have been able to rely on significant volumes of traffic coming from the blue links that appear under many queries. But [their new] AI overviews often obscure these links, requiring users to click to see them, or simply abstracting them away in an automatically generated summary. Analysts ... say a bloodbath is coming..."

Can the #Fediverse help? I think it can.

By @caseynewton in

"“Web publishers brace for carnage as Google adds AI answers,” ...Until now, publishers have been able to rely on significant volumes of traffic coming from the blue links that appear under many queries. But [their new] AI overviews often obscure these links, requiring users to click to see them, or simply abstracting them away in an automatically generated summary. Analysts ... say a bloodbath is coming..."

Johannes Ernst

Attempting to write a message about "the changes I have checked in".

But instead I wrote "the chances I have checked in".

I will not accept your bets on whether my unconscious is convinced that the code runs as it is supposed to.

Johannes Ernst

Tried to send a message to the IETF's #WebFinger mailing list with some feedback from @feditest. Tried three different sender e-mail addresses. None of them went through. Not sure what else to try.

Jim Fenton 🇺🇸🇨🇦

@J12t First try sending a message to to subscribe and then try sending to the list. IETF just changed its list management tools so maybe it forgot you.

Jim Fenton 🇺🇸🇨🇦

@J12t One of the area directors recently posted that she plans to close the webfinger list in a few weeks due to inactivity.

Johannes Ernst

Mark your calendars!

The next FediForum, the unconference for the people who move the Fediverse forward, is coming up September 12-14, 2024.

The most recent Fediforum in March had the largest attendance ever of developers, users, moderators, and many other people interested in building a better social media environment. We will build on this in September, for the first time in a 3-day event. We'd love to see you join us and your peers.

More info and registration:

Johannes Ernst

I’m not an expert when it comes to encryption by any means, but from my work on Sup and my knowledge of the Signal protocol, I’m confident that the lies Elon and Telegram are spreading are unfounded.

You can review the Signal protocol to see for yourself, like they (Elon and them) would be pointing to smoking gun vulnerable code if they had any real dirt, but I’ve yet to see any 😉

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@dansup Telegram, like, the official team behind telegram? Like they actually did that?

OG Gay Geek

@dansup aren’t we still waiting for you know who to open source the timeline algorithm?

Johannes Ernst
It's now possible to connect #Bluesky and #Fediverse accounts together, and talk across a bridge! We get into the nuts and bolts of how it works, and what you can do to get started! #BridgyFed
Григорий Клюшников

Why does this popup exist? It's one of the most obnoxious things one could possibly put on a website.

Johannes Ernst

The comments system on @theverge_com wants to follow, unfollow, mute and block accounts for me, change my profile, create and delete Tweets and a gazillion other things? If I were to authenticate with Twitter there?

Ahem, no thank you.

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