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Johannes Ernst

Upon reflection, to build successful apps for the #VisionPro, we need to unlearn a lot about apps that we took for granted since, idk, maybe we started programming for the web, almost 30 years ago. Some multi-window pre-web PC/mac apps might be a closer point of departure ... but in any case, not close at all.

Of course Apple's message for devs is "it's all easy, just a few more APIs beyond what you do on iPhone". But to actually leverage the new medium, that's a different matter entirely.

Johannes Ernst

Guessing on the timeline for #appe #visionpro #vision:

If VisionPro will only be available early next year, they aren’t even remotely finished with engineering it right now. (So they don’t actually know right now what it will cost them to produce it either.)

Sales will slowly ramp starting Q1 next year, US only.

Which means the earliest possible time for a non-pro, consumer priced model is the holiday season 2024. That’s the optimistic case. Before that, no sales volume whatsoever.

Johannes Ernst

“Principles of spatial design.” from Apple’s WWDC. I feel like I landed on a different planet.

Watch this, look at he software around you, and weep.

It’s not the headset that’s disruptive. It’s the possibilities it opens for design.
#apple #visionpro #visionos

🌈 Lascapi ⁂

@J12t That's impressive how they take care of pretty everything to make a good experience ! 😲

Johannes Ernst

I'm looking for informed #VisionPro writeups that dismiss the device, with some good reasoning.

Anybody have any pointers?

#Apple #xr #headset

Callous Internet Man

@J12t I have seen several youtube videos on the topic, but not any detailed write-ups with technical specs.

Johannes Ernst

"Apple has been working on a product that embeds itself in your life, eventually killing a few products, including its own" #VisionPro

Johannes Ernst

"The 28-megapixel visual experience makes the Quest 2 look like a Nintendo DS".

Yep, if I'm Meta, I'm feeling toast.

Lauren Weinstein

@J12t No. There is really no comparison there. They are very different devices for utterly different markets, even if the enormous price differential is ignored. Don't buy the hype. Oh, I've heard you can't wear the Apple goggles with eyeglasses. You have to buy their (presumably expensive) lens inserts if you don't wear contact. So uncool, Apple. Typical.

Johannes Ernst

"I believe the most compelling use case is for work" . "To put it even more strongly, the Vision Pro is, I suspect, the future of the Mac."

I don't think he's wrong. Time will tell, but not a bad take. #apple #visionpro

Matt ⎊ :verified:

@J12t the conclusion of that piece is a real gut-punch


@J12t at the reported price it would have to be, but to do that it would also have to connect to the docking station to be used like any other computer. And I’m not sure I prefer the strapped to my face form factor over the laptop or tablet form factor; the headset is the only one you can’t share without everyone having their own pricy device


@J12t Yeah, key point, eh? This thing has an M2 _and_ an r1 sensor processor. It's a whole computer.

Johannes Ernst

My first experience with a silicon chip was the 7400. 4 NAND gates.

M2 Ultra has 134 billion transistors.

Plus/minus about 10 billion times as complex.

Johannes Ernst

I'm fascinated by the idea of #VisionPro with an external Bluetooth keyboard as a laptop replacement.

Can it be made to work? I have no idea. Can hand gestures be precise enough to do pixel-level work? Maybe?

But assume they can. The ergonomics of looking straight ahead with optimal light/brightness/contrast, vs being crouched down, hurting your cervical spine every minute, working on a too-small screen, which I see in far too many trains and coffee shops, could be huge.

Axel Rauschmayer

@J12t You could use a Bluetooth keyboard with an integrated trackpad.

Johannes Ernst

It’s raining, in California. In June.

Global warming is weird. Well, non obvious. And it’s cold, too, compared to what you’d expect.

Johannes Ernst

“Twitter’s filing is like a beat-by-beat debunking of the conspiracy theories pushed by the dude who owns Twitter.” @mmasnick is on a roll, again. Keep it coming :-)


@J12t @mmasnick

It's such a lovely place over there.


@J12t wonder what that job ad looked like

Wanted: Pool boy for mar-a-lago

Duties: do 15-20 in a federal pen for destruction of evidence and interfering in a federal investigation

Optional: give foreign agents private viewings of national defense documents

Johannes Ernst

On first reflection, Apple appears to have removed all major issues I've experienced myself when trying to use the Meta Quest 2 for something useful and more than very occasionally.

My prediction is that the number of hours Reality Pro is going to be used per user and week, is going to be way higher (like 10x) than for the Quest 2.

Johannes Ernst

I wonder whether the name "Vision Pro" indicates that there will be a non-Pro version as well some time. #visionpro #apple

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@J12t I was just thinking the same thing.

Sal Rahman

@J12t Yeah, no doubt.

That price is a bit much, especially compared to the Meta Quest 3.

And I thought that the price of Meta Quest Pro was bad

Something beginning with R.

@J12t I hope so, I am becoming increasingly unprofessional.

Johannes Ernst

The thing that's so amazing to me about Apple, is that they really really put "design" (in the broad sense) at the center of everything they do. And have been doing even more so over the years. Nobody else even remotely does it similarly.

Like "here I am with my phone on the couch, what exactly do I want to do now, how do I think about it, and what are the fewest and most natural steps to accomplish what I want to do, like watch a movie with my remote friends on the big TV?"

Johannes Ernst

So Apple is putting some version of blogging into the OS?

Jeff Sikes

@J12t Yep, calling it Apple Journal. I didn't quite catch if there would be an Developer API for it..if so....exciting!



Journal, more like, in a private encrypted sandbox.


@J12t it's not really a blog though since it is private. They didn't talk about being able to share it as far as I can tell.

Johannes Ernst

24 CPUs in a single SOC. Long ways since 8087 math co-processors.

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