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18 posts total

I think about this tweet so much when I see stories like this about climate change

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cognitively accessible math

@repeattofade It's more randomly distributed than that but yea.


@repeattofade I think about one (that I didn't archive or save) about how we won't believe it could affect us until we see it in portrait mode on our couch or something like that

Justin Derrick

@repeattofade I don't know where I heard this, but I'll keep repeating it:

"Either we manage climate change, or climate change manages us."


Computery PSA :boost_requested:

If you ever deal with making bootable USBs, get Ventoy! Ventoy is a bootable USB system that you install once (via easy and working commands), and then any time you want to boot an image, you just throw the ISO file directly onto the USB FAT partition.
No repartitioning, no setting bootable flags, no dd, no UEFI detection debugging. It works on UEFI and BIOS.

You just boot to Ventoy, which displays a nice (and themeable) list of all your ISOs, and select which one you want to boot.

No more keychain of 5 bootable USBs for different OSes. No more “damn, I wrote over that installer and now I want to use it again”.

I have one USB stick, with my general data transfer partition, bootable Ventoy, and the ISOs for Mac, windows, five different linux flavours, memtest86+, rescatux, clonezilla, etc.

Computery PSA :boost_requested:

If you ever deal with making bootable USBs, get Ventoy! Ventoy is a bootable USB system that you install once (via easy and working commands), and then any time you want to boot an image, you just throw the ISO file directly onto the USB FAT partition.
No repartitioning, no setting bootable flags, no dd, no UEFI detection debugging. It works on UEFI and BIOS.

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@s0 found out about it the other week, you can install windows from it! (Making a bootable windows USB is a pain on linux)


@s0 bishbosh. tidy. bangin. thx.

MagicLike | #AfDVerbotJetzt

@s0 already using this on my 256 GB bootstick :nkouwu: (no I don't have a problem, I promise)


I've really enjoyed taking the time to realllllyyy scratch itches and niches that I've been annoyed by for two decades. Things like, "I wish I could make a usable web-based tool for my programming language without badly implementing half of a usable text editor... again"

Rob Simmons

(All things considered I'd prefer my job search to have panned out by now... 🙃 but even so... 🤷)

Jessie Grosen

@simrob amazing, exactly when i needed it for my language!!

Jake Donham

@simrob that’s rad!

btw here’s a sort of sketchzone (love the term) I made a while back and a post about it


Announcing the public launch of of Open Torment, a FOSS alternative to The Torment Nexus.


For more than a year, policy makers have been worried about the consequences of AI getting too powerful.

But it’s time to start worrying about the consequences of AI staying as dumb it currently is.

My latest for NYT Opinion (gift link):

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Iris Young (he/they/she) (PhD)

@Julia I don't know if the AI investment bubble *will* burst soon, but I 100% believe it should. It is a powerful technology when applied to the right problems in the right ways, but imo those make up a vanishing fraction of the ways it's being used today.

(Side note: I've been ruling out so many job postings for use cases I don't trust are good applications of AI, y'all. So many things I know how to do but think shouldn't be done in the first place. It's painful.)


@Julia Those of you in the anti-AI league are on the losing side. Painters wept inconsolably for the loss of romanticism when photography was discovered, etc. etc. etc. (give thousands of examples here). And the funny thing is: eventually everything will fall into place. AI is here to stay. It is wonderful. You have to adapt or get screwed.


@Julia Well said. One thing AI may be useful for is finding out which memos and documents we don’t actually need, because AI can both write and read them. If we learn to stop wasting time on those, the effort will not have been wasted.


me: “I wish people would stop calling individual blog posts ‘a blog.’”
*monkey’s paw curls*

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@andybaio I posted a blog in my blog so you can read the blog while you read my blog.

Koos Looijesteijn

@andybaio Dutch people started calling messages ‘apps’ (because of WhatsApp), so everything goes I guess

Grant Gulovsen

@andybaio I am seeing no discussion about the use of "blog" as a verb so I assume that's okay. 🤓

*leaves to go do some blogging*


Thanks everyone! We closed the loop!

Most websites are now publishing algorithmic generated content in order to please ranking algorithms from search engines in order to display generated ads that will be clicked by crawling bots and automatically generated social profiles.

No humans needed any more!

Which means that you can now close your laptop, watch a sunset and talk to real humans near you. Enjoy your life far from your screen.

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@ploum it's getting that way... According to one study some 50% of Internet traffic is bot activity. here we come!


@ploum and all that faff and waste of energy to no point since I use an adblocker.

Wouter De Borger

@ploum which supports my theory that the corporation is the dominant organism on this planet.
A bunch of people doing crazy stuff in the hopes of getting more money out of the corporation by making the corporation get more money out of other people.


In a city called The Dalles, in Oregon, USA, local people were worried that Google’s water use was soaring. As is so often the case, the city officials, who had given Google hundreds of millions in tax breaks, had no intention of letting anyone know how much water Google was using. It was up to a local paper, The Oregonian, to try and find out. They were forced to bring a case to court. City officials were ordered by Google to claim that Google’s use of scarce public water was a “trade secret”.

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Reay Jespersen

@gerrymcgovern @mhoye Wondering if I could get away with that at a job. Just do something totally unexpected and with zero regard for anyone around me and if anyone starts to ask questions, just tell them that no one had been told previously because it was my trade secret.

Baloo Uriza

@gerrymcgovern The fuck? I thought like 80% of the reason they built in an old aluminum plant was because it came with two turbines at The Dalles Dam next door and direct access to Columbia River water so they wouldn't have to use city water...

Also there's a Dallas, Oregon and the Marion County road department thinks it's funny to post The Dalles signs pointing in the opposite direction of Dallas signs, even though there's no reason to post The Dalles anywhere in the county...

Kyle Memoir


Sounds like what Stratford Ontario citizens were up against in fighting a secret deal to bring a Chinese glass factory to town.

We already have a giant banking data centre here drawing water for cooling, along with many high tech auto supply firms and a growing population - all reliant on an aquifer whose health and sustainability rarely & barely receive mention.

A few years ago, our council was voted “most secretive” in


Sounds like what Stratford Ontario citizens were up against in fighting a secret deal to bring a Chinese glass factory to town.

We already have a giant banking data centre here drawing water for cooling, along with many high tech auto supply firms and a growing population - all reliant on an aquifer whose health and sustainability rarely & barely receive mention.


This is me today after a weekend spent gardening. Eurgh.

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Larry Garfield

@designthinkingcomic I spent a few hours at the woodshop in my local makers space yesterday.

I am still very tired and sore today.

Adam R. Wood

@designthinkingcomic There was a "Behind the Ball" segment in one episode of Extreme Dodgeball featuring a pro athlete talking about the time between their former sport and their new one, and how they'd tried gardening. They said something to the effect of "There's just something about getting down in the dirt and working directly with Mother Nature... that I really didn't care for."

Q.H. Stone

@designthinkingcomic And then you also get covered in poison ivy and in the end the rabbits eat your garden.


"The end justifies the means. But what if there never is an end? All we have is means."

Ursula K. Le Guin


I would like to apologise to all Danes for spilling the beans on this but

Jeans are referred to as "cowboybukser" (cowboy pants) in Danish

By extension, all denim clothes are cowboy-whatever in Danish

As a result of this, my partner's washing machine has a setting that's only labelled "Cowboy"

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John Maxwell

@anarchiv - Note to self: Look into importing a washing machine from Denmark, so I'm prepared next time I need to buy one.


@anarchiv denmark 🤝 spain
denim pants = cowboys


frequency can be used to measure things that really feel like they should use different units.

"how often should my OS check the state of the keyboard"

"middle C"

this is technically a coherent answer

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@lily Agree that “local NPR affiliate” would be too often and “light green” would be waaaaaay too often.


Released new version 0.5.0 of crate webmention (it got new versions of nom & select, nothing more)


Working on a new side project: an app to help budget for the chaotic people (hi!)


For the time being it’s a desktop app without electron (but with tauri)


That would be my account till I develop activitypub support in my own website engine. Hi, I’m Tim!

Григорий Клюшников

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