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I think about this tweet so much when I see stories like this about climate change



And all that stuff will be uploaded on Social Media until it will be forbidden to upload those stuff for breaking rules ...


@livestockplanet @repeattofade

Automated systems are already hard at work sweeping anything containing awareness under a rug, thus keeping society tied together in bliss.


@repeattofade The post says it is caused (at least partly) by slashing the rainforest upstream. So is this really a story about climate change? While deforestation is probably both a cause and an effect of climate change, in this story the lack of forest had a much more direct impact on the severity of the flooding.

Andy Gates

@hopfgeist @repeattofade Yes, the rains are heavier than before as well as the land use changes.


@repeattofade i had to call emergency services to a forest fire less than 1km from my home last summer. I'd like to quit now thanks!

Kévin ⏚

@Craftycat @repeattofade "but what about the shareholder value" they cry from their bunkers

Embers :ms_transgender_flag:​ :Blobhaj_Ghostie_Alive:​

@repeattofade i think at this point we're well into changing it from "will manifest" to "manifests"

cognitively accessible math

@repeattofade It's more randomly distributed than that but yea.


@repeattofade I think about one (that I didn't archive or save) about how we won't believe it could affect us until we see it in portrait mode on our couch or something like that

Justin Derrick

@repeattofade I don't know where I heard this, but I'll keep repeating it:

"Either we manage climate change, or climate change manages us."

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