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Design Thinking! Comic

This is me today after a weekend spent gardening. Eurgh.

Olivier Guinart

@designthinkingcomic it's like workout, we might not enjoy it while exercising, but it's good for the body and the mind! And it was inspirational I see 😊

David Mitchell :CApride:

@designthinkingcomic @OlivierGuinart

Many people go back to work on Monday morning dragging and moaning because they partied too hard. I also start my Monday achy, tired and groaning with my gardening hangover… worth it every time

Larry Garfield

@designthinkingcomic I spent a few hours at the woodshop in my local makers space yesterday.

I am still very tired and sore today.

Adam R. Wood

@designthinkingcomic There was a "Behind the Ball" segment in one episode of Extreme Dodgeball featuring a pro athlete talking about the time between their former sport and their new one, and how they'd tried gardening. They said something to the effect of "There's just something about getting down in the dirt and working directly with Mother Nature... that I really didn't care for."

Q.H. Stone

@designthinkingcomic And then you also get covered in poison ivy and in the end the rabbits eat your garden.

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