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60 posts total
Mark A. Rayner

I'm saddened to report this got a look of confusion from my undergrads during the lecture on color theory this week.

#rodstewart #colortheory #color #humor #humour #funny #pun #puns

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Niamh Garvey

@markarayner I am really trying to get this but as usual my #autism is preventing me from getting the joke (and yes I do know who Rod Steward is)


@markarayner I'm new here and your post was one of the first I saw. Made me smile. Also, I teach undergrads too so I feel you pain on failed memes in the classroom. Happens to me daily.

Mark A. Rayner

Visual representation of the period between Christmas and New Year's.

#cat #cats #catstodon #catsofmastodon #humor #humour #exhaustion

Mark A. Rayner

Interesting way to think about this.

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Sally Jeffery

@markarayner Idea nicked from Karl Marx.

“The tradition of all dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brains of the living.”

Pia Herself :v_lesbian:

@markarayner Or the blunt object to be used to hammer people in their place when they make the mistake of being out of the norm.

Like me, originally rural gal, interested in technology and working in the field nowdays.

Rich Holmes

@markarayner Interesting but I disagree with it. Tradition doesn't have to be old enough to have dead people associated with it. What makes it traditional is not how long it's been done, it's that people do it because they feel it should be done. Maybe because they've been told so. And that strikes me as peer pressure from the present day.

"You're not cooking sweet potato casserole this year? But it's TRADITIONAL!" That's not a dead person applying the pressure.

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