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Mark A. Rayner

I'm saddened to report this got a look of confusion from my undergrads during the lecture on color theory this week.

#rodstewart #colortheory #color #humor #humour #funny #pun #puns

Mark A. Rayner

@Cassandra I was hopeful -- got a big laugh last year. But I suspect they just have no idea who this is.

adaddinsane (Steve Turnbull)


Well I didn't laugh out loud, but it made me smile.

So that's a win.


@markarayner I think it's great! Carry on internet stranger.

James Boag

@markarayner top quality, you need better students.

Niamh Garvey

@markarayner I am really trying to get this but as usual my #autism is preventing me from getting the joke (and yes I do know who Rod Steward is)

Mark A. Rayner

@niamhgarvey Cones are the photo receptive cells in our retina that allow us to see colors. Rods are the photoreceptive cells that help us see in low light.


@markarayner I'm new here and your post was one of the first I saw. Made me smile. Also, I teach undergrads too so I feel you pain on failed memes in the classroom. Happens to me daily.

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