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60 posts total
Mark A. Rayner

TIL: Ray Bradbury wrote Fahrenheit 451 on a coin-operated typewriter he found in the basement of UCLA's Powell Library:

β€œSo, exhilarated, I got a bag of dimes and settled into the room, and in nine days I spent $9.80 and wrote my story; in other words, it was a dime novel,” Bradbury said.

Source: (via Neatorama:

#ScienceFiction #RayBradbury #SFF #scifi #humor #humour #typewriter #typewriters

TIL: Ray Bradbury wrote Fahrenheit 451 on a coin-operated typewriter he found in the basement of UCLA's Powell Library:

β€œSo, exhilarated, I got a bag of dimes and settled into the room, and in nine days I spent $9.80 and wrote my story; in other words, it was a dime novel,” Bradbury said.

Source: (via Neatorama:

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@markarayner it was one of my favorite books. Mandatory reading in high school.

Lady Wicket

@markarayner I read this at Secondary School way back in the day and still sits in my head πŸ’—


@markarayner me paying 179€/a for an overleaf subscription

Mark A. Rayner

When you know it's coming, but you still react to the jump scare. [sound on]

#cat #cats #catstodon #CatsOfMastodon #humour #humor

Mark A. Rayner

"No, you can't use this to dry your clothes. Not until I've had a chance to barf on everything, anyway."

#caturday #cat #cats #catstodon #CatsOfMastodon #humor #humour

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