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Mark A. Rayner

TIL: Ray Bradbury wrote Fahrenheit 451 on a coin-operated typewriter he found in the basement of UCLA's Powell Library:

“So, exhilarated, I got a bag of dimes and settled into the room, and in nine days I spent $9.80 and wrote my story; in other words, it was a dime novel,” Bradbury said.

Source: (via Neatorama:

#ScienceFiction #RayBradbury #SFF #scifi #humor #humour #typewriter #typewriters

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@markarayner Dystopic fiction written on dystopic non-fiction device.

Coin-operated, metered-use typewriter!

Ordinating Aether Show


The more things change...

At least there is only a slim chance that the cog/ratchet/lever mechanism will make a copy of your work and send it to Remington.


@markarayner Damn, in 1950 dollars, with inflation that would be $127.71 just to type out a story. I guess he was dedicated

What's wild though is back then writing sf short stories paid enough to make this worth his while

Mark A. Rayner

@sidereal Yep -- back then you could actually make a living doing it. (Barely.)

Petra van Cronenburg

@markarayner I do need this. This could massively shorten the self-doubt breaks when writing! 😁

Sen the Professional

@markarayner I checked an inflation calculator and that works out to ~$114 in today's dollars. He was a working writer so that will have been no trivial sum for him. Imagine taking a flier like that

Mark A. Rayner

@epiceneVivant An investment in himself and his vision! So glad he did it!

Eric Normandeau

@markarayner And thus was born the Pomodoro technique...

Fardels Bear


At 30 minutes a dime, that's 49 hours to write a classic.


@markarayner I typed a few papers on rental typewriters in the bowels of Royce Hall, across the quad from Powell. No coin-op though.

Mark A. Rayner

@4d3fect I was lucky enough to have my own typewriter at uni. Can't imagine the stress of a coin operated one!

Vincent :coffeecup:

@markarayner In '06 I heard him say that he and his bride were very poor, so their first apartment was overlooking a gas station pay phone. He listed that payphone as his phone number and would run downstairs every time it rang. And this was how he communicated with his editors at the time.


If he were like any other of the young writers I have known, it wouldn't have taken long for him to figure a way to get that lock-box open again. Hunger is not just virtual.


@markarayner it was one of my favorite books. Mandatory reading in high school.

Lady Wicket

@markarayner I read this at Secondary School way back in the day and still sits in my head 💗


@markarayner me paying 179€/a for an overleaf subscription

@eichkat3r @markarayner me having free acess to overleaf by university but using zarathura and kakouna instead
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