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Mark A. Rayner

Interesting way to think about this.

Dry Bird (Justin Case)

@markarayner And on another note.

Them: So you're just gonna do it because other people did it?


Aviva Gary

@markarayner true but sometimes it's from the living too

Mark A. Rayner

@Aviva_Gary Yes, that's true. It's why this makes me rethink the concept of "tradition"

Mehrad :kde: :emacs: :rstats:

@Aviva_Gary @markarayner yeah, maybe the following adjustment can make it more accurate🤓:
"Tradition (n): Typically, a peer pressure mostly from dead people."


@Aviva_Gary @markarayner but usually only bc they were peer pressured from the dead
If person A pressures person B to pressure person C, person A is pressuring person C


@markarayner This explains a lot about my disdain for tradition then! I was drilled early on not to give into peer pressure, so I also didn't give into tradition and left the cult 🫢


@markarayner «Das haben wir schon immer so gemacht!»

John Arnold

@markarayner This sentiment seems to me to adhere to a modern Western tradition of disparaging one’s ancestors.

Most peoples worldwide show greater respect towards the ways of being and insights of those who have gone before.

Mark A. Rayner

@JohnDA That is a good point! Our ancestors had lots of wisdom, but maybe "tradition" isn't always the way to think about that?

John Arnold

@markarayner As with many things, “tradition” can be positive or negative. I don’t personally regard “tradition” as inherently bad.

Likewise, I don’t think anything new _has_ to be good simply because it is new.


@JohnDA @markarayner

The other side of the coin is that the “traditional” way of doing something isn’t necessarily the best way, maybe just one way they tried that worked well enough at the time.

John O’Donnell

@JohnDA @markarayner
That’s why The West created the modern world.
We didn’t do things because our ancestors did, we actually asked why things were the way they were, and when we found out why, the discoveries changed society.
In the simplest terms, that’s why some countries are creating quantum computers, while others are executing people for witchcraft.

John Arnold

@Jodami @markarayner I don’t believe we need to take an extreme position of disparaging our ancestors (as I felt the original post did) nor worshipping them uncritically. Yet people in the past were less stupid and benighted than some make out.

Also, give it time and these “dead people” will be us!

I wouldn’t get too smug about the cleverness of the West, either – we are also very effectively destroying the biosphere. I’d say being less narrow-minded may well be helpful to us.

int%rmitt]nt sig^al. ...~!...)

no "interesting" so much as exact.
The worst reason to do anything, yes even short bread recipes, is "because mah gran did it thus"


@markarayner UNLESS the peer pressure from dead people is making pecan pies from family recipes because they are YUM. 😍 😂

Cultor 🥀 👑

@markarayner it’s more restrictive than anything, though.
“Tradition” means a lot of things to a lot of people, including cultural, religious, moral, and linguistic identity and transmission.
Unique traditions is part of what defines groups of people. And usually, traditions are shared by the community who have more diverse and complex motivations than feeling guilt from dead people, even when they don’t, it’s not up to you to tell them that’s wrong.


@markarayner the first time I heard that was from Beau of the fifth column


@markarayner Who, day and night, must scramble for a living,
Feed a wife and children, say his daily prayers?

Jenn Dolari

@markarayner @akariii - One side of my family is very attached to tradition to the point that it stifles their own progress and creativity and ostracizes those who don't follow it to the letter (wonder who that could be).

Tradition should inform your future, not be it.



Best moment ever is when you realise half the reason you do crap is because you always do it from before you formed the autonomy to decide to do it...

Then you have the ongoing war with the living people (of all ages) who haven't figured it out yet as they howl at your tush walking off to do your own thing and practice self care and resilience rather than join them in engaging in seasonal holiday burn out


When people say "But this is the way we have always done it," I say, "That's the way you always did it...before I got here."

In other words, its time to make some new traditions; ones more suitable for the people now here, the place we now find ourselves, and times we are in.

#tradition #innovation #creativity #socialchange


@markarayner ie, “you have to do it and go through because I had to do it and go through it. You cannot have it easier than me. Period!”

Pure crap! Each generation should strive to make it better for the next generation. Currently I think things are going the wrong direction.

UmWerker 🕊 ☮️ 🤘 :tux:

The fact that "tradition" is always held up as a shield for a whole series of the most evil behaviors also pisses me off to no end. This stoic adherence to the past blinds the future. But I have not yet come up with this simple definition. Thank you. 👍


Recent build session setting up stage for a one-night show.
Quote from self:
“The next person who uses the phrase, ‘we always did it this way before’ is getting a slap…”
Just because it HAS been done that way, doesn’t mean it SHOULD, or is the best/safest way to do it.

Flemming Madsen

@markarayner "A tradition is an embarrassing excuse for an eternal repetition of the same stupidities"
― Dan Turèll


@markarayner I love de "" demotivator poster about tradition.

"Just because you've always done it that way doesn't mean it's not incredibly stupid" with an image of people running from bulls at Sanfermines in Spain.

Sally Jeffery

@markarayner Idea nicked from Karl Marx.

“The tradition of all dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brains of the living.”

Pia Herself :v_lesbian:

@markarayner Or the blunt object to be used to hammer people in their place when they make the mistake of being out of the norm.

Like me, originally rural gal, interested in technology and working in the field nowdays.

Rich Holmes

@markarayner Interesting but I disagree with it. Tradition doesn't have to be old enough to have dead people associated with it. What makes it traditional is not how long it's been done, it's that people do it because they feel it should be done. Maybe because they've been told so. And that strikes me as peer pressure from the present day.

"You're not cooking sweet potato casserole this year? But it's TRADITIONAL!" That's not a dead person applying the pressure.

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