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32 posts total

You know I always hear about struggling artists of all kinds like it's this new phenomenon. It isn't. Artists have always struggled, and I don't know why people think this is somehow a new thing. They struggled before the Internet, dealing with an industry always trying to crush them, and always finding ways to scam them. The only way artists have historically made a lot of money is to have multiple successful sales (albums, pieces, etc.) and tours. It's feast or famine. Certainly as long as recording has existed, it's been dominated by greedy jackasses and shady practises. Art has always relied on patronage as well.

You know I always hear about struggling artists of all kinds like it's this new phenomenon. It isn't. Artists have always struggled, and I don't know why people think this is somehow a new thing. They struggled before the Internet, dealing with an industry always trying to crush them, and always finding ways to scam them. The only way artists have historically made a lot of money is to have multiple successful sales (albums, pieces, etc.) and tours. It's feast or famine. Certainly as long as recording...


Basically the only way to make a living in any artistic endeavour is to be really, really good; or be really, really connected. No it is not fair. Not even close. It also has never been literally any different. iTunes opened up a brief window for independent music artists, but it isn't like piracy didn't exist then too, and it isn't like artists were doing great either. Etsy is still a thing for many other types of artists, but a lot of people are selling a lot of art, and the supply simply outstrips demand. Not saying it's fair, or that's how it should be, but that is how it *is.*

Basically the only way to make a living in any artistic endeavour is to be really, really good; or be really, really connected. No it is not fair. Not even close. It also has never been literally any different. iTunes opened up a brief window for independent music artists, but it isn't like piracy didn't exist then too, and it isn't like artists were doing great either. Etsy is still a thing for many other types of artists, but a lot of people are selling a lot of art, and the supply simply outstrips...


If I can give a recommendation for those who want to learn to solder/desolder but are poorly practised...

Get yourself some old, shitty PCB's. Any will do. Just use something ruined that you don't intend to fix or is irreparable.

Practise desoldering and resoldering components. Eventually the pads will fall off, but that is okay, you can get a few cycles out of it before that happens.

Solder random crap into various positions. Practise removing SMT components with J tips on soldering irons. It's extremely difficult, but you can also try resoldering them (though the Right Way is to reflow a board with solder paste in the oven)

You have to learn soldering by doing, you can't learn it from a book alone.

If I can give a recommendation for those who want to learn to solder/desolder but are poorly practised...

Get yourself some old, shitty PCB's. Any will do. Just use something ruined that you don't intend to fix or is irreparable.

Practise desoldering and resoldering components. Eventually the pads will fall off, but that is okay, you can get a few cycles out of it before that happens.

eri :vlpn_smol:
@Elizafox we learned by buying cheap kits online.

How to shut down any conversation about astrology, if you know even a little about astronomy:

"So tell me... what's retrograde?"

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Quin Angua :verifiedtrans: :verifiedlesbian: isn't that when the polarity of the celestial body in question is basically reversed???
That's what I've always thought..
But like, i honestly don't know..

@Elizafox isn't that just when the planet looks like it's moving in the opposite direction it normally looks like it's moving because of some perspective thingamabob?

I want people to understand every country has flaws. Everywhere has racists. Everywhere has bigots. Transphobes are not some uniquely American and UK thing. There is a global epidemic of hate and there has been for a long, long time. The best you can hope for is find a more accepting place. But until hate is eradicated, nowhere is truly safe. I wish this wasn't true.


@Elizafox i say we all find the least safe place we can and give em hell >:3 :trans_heart:


When companies ask you to write things like a sort function... you know I have to ask... why? I haven't had to do that myself literally ever. Every programming language worth using has a sort function. Even fucking *C* has qsort(). Yes, fucking *C* has a sort function. What the fuck.

Neil E. Hodges
@Elizafox True software engineers would say to use the standard library instead of rolling your own.
Fiona A much more interesting question would be (object/type dependent) comparison functions those sort functions need. โ€‹:meowpaw:โ€‹


Can't wait for the inevitable "why is reutils GPLv2 only?" debate


I decided to go GPLv2 because GPLv3 is banned in a lot of places, and to be frank, there are good uses of DRM, like maintaining privacy or preventing someone from flashing a new firmware to your car and driving off with it.

No I don't like software patents or evil uses of DRM, but 1) companies won't jeopardise their patent portfolio on GPLv3 therefore it's irrelevant, 2) I don't really see it as a licence's job to define what is good or bad DRM.

There's also the questionable wisdom of allowing a disinterested third party to unilaterally change licence terms without consulting me, hence I don't like the "or later" clause either.

No debate please. I have had this discussion before with others. I made my choices, you make yours.

I decided to go GPLv2 because GPLv3 is banned in a lot of places, and to be frank, there are good uses of DRM, like maintaining privacy or preventing someone from flashing a new firmware to your car and driving off with it.

No I don't like software patents or evil uses of DRM, but 1) companies won't jeopardise their patent portfolio on GPLv3 therefore it's irrelevant, 2) I don't really see it as a licence's job to define what is good or bad DRM.


European anarchist: "Hi I'm, follow me and I'll post nothing but anarchist memes"

American anarchist: "wow I found the world's largest butt plug today"


Why is privacy important?

Consider this:

You're on the street, chatting up a friend, and you say, "heh, if I had the chance, I'd cap the president."

A CCTV camera catches you saying it. The cops think it's suspicious so they send it on to the secret service. Three agents come to your house to take you, to "ask you some questions."

If you think that sounds ridiculous, this already happens to people who say that kind of thing *online* in the US, on a regular basis. If the Feds can find you, they'll be very interested in that.

Why is privacy important?

Consider this:

You're on the street, chatting up a friend, and you say, "heh, if I had the chance, I'd cap the president."

A CCTV camera catches you saying it. The cops think it's suspicious so they send it on to the secret service. Three agents come to your house to take you, to "ask you some questions."


I know what some of you might think, "well, don't say that then!"

Why? People say shit like that all the time. I've said shit like that sometimes in frustration. Someone's statement of anger or outrage almost never equates to something credible.

If you think we shouldn't say things like that, you've already got the mindset of someone living in an authoritarian regime, or someone who supports one, where we can be arrested for slips of the tongue.


Boost if you're cis and you'd date a trans girl no questions asked and no judgement about their body :3.


People will blame the poor for being poor and yet they also don't realise they basically rely on the labour of the poor to live their lifestyle.

Allen Stenhaus

@Elizafox They also don't realize they are one bad day away from being poor/homeless. Some people are lucky enough to amass a six figure savings account, but in America, ONE medical emergency can wipe that all out instantly.

People complain about the poor having no idea they are nearly as poor. The rich WANT everyone looking down on the poor so nobody can see what's going on up above.

Sad thing is how well it's working.


Liberals would be the kind of people who'd jump off a cliff because the government told them to and say "I don't agree with it, but we have to obey the law, this is why we should vote."


Right now I'm a disabled trans femme refugee who lives on $1,000 a month in Seattle with another trans refugee roommate and I'm stuck with bills like two storage units in Tulsa I'm saddled with.

I'm actively looking for work and have an interview next week. I'm also recovering from shingles. My partner is also looking for work.

Any extra money would be immensely beneficial to us and keeping us afloat right now. It's pretty difficult to live in Seattle on this little amount of money especially with two people.

Right now I got $30 to my name for the month cause bills came out. That's it.

Pretty much everything I get goes to bills and food.

CashApp: $TheRealElizafox

Right now I'm a disabled trans femme refugee who lives on $1,000 a month in Seattle with another trans refugee roommate and I'm stuck with bills like two storage units in Tulsa I'm saddled with.

I'm actively looking for work and have an interview next week. I'm also recovering from shingles. My partner is also looking for work.


I don't have a problem with Catholics who aren't hateful (the ones who are, can go fuck off)

But I hate the Catholic church. Despise it even.

It is a hateful organisation preaching trans and gay genocide and discouraging condom use in AIDS afflicted parts of Africa.

Not to mention it still refuses to do anything meaningful about pedophilia in the church and continues to insist it's a homosexuality problem.

And they try to say God is love.

All I see when I look at the church is hatred and bigotry.

It should be destroyed.

If this offends you, instead of making a comment, do a deep reflection on just what your church is doing to real human beings. Cause I don't wanna hear church apologia. Find someone else who cares.

And no, Evangelicals are not better. I am an equal opportunity despiser of evil sects of religion.

I don't have a problem with Catholics who aren't hateful (the ones who are, can go fuck off)

But I hate the Catholic church. Despise it even.

It is a hateful organisation preaching trans and gay genocide and discouraging condom use in AIDS afflicted parts of Africa.

Not to mention it still refuses to do anything meaningful about pedophilia in the church and continues to insist it's a homosexuality problem.

david :apartyblobcat:

@Elizafox if god is real why have I never seen him

ไฝ•ไบ‹่ฅฟ้ฃŽ :nekomimi_girl_emoji_007: ไธๅพ…ไบบ
@Elizafox it's "child sexual harassment," not "pedophilia." the use of latter implies that a thought can hurt others and that it seems ok to sexually harass an adult.

Linear algebra in college is like algebra...

But pain.


Hey Fedi!

I'm a programmer by trade looking into breaking into electronics engineering. I love electronics as a hobby and I've even made a weather station with an Arduino. I have other projects planned too.

Any resources on how I can do this for a living? What certifications/degrees do I need? Tips? I'm open to suggestions of any kind. Going back to college is not off the table.

Thank you so much!


Yeah honestly I feel like loli is an attempt to get child porn normalised under the guise of "it's just drawings."

Drawn gay porn is still gay porn. It doesn't stop being gay porn because it's a drawing.

Why the fuck do they look at it? Why do they want to see children being sexualised? Do they have literal CSAM on their devices? Why is it being drawn any different?

"But it's cute!" I have heard people say.

What is cute about a sexualised minor??? You do know most people... don't find that cute right? Most people find that revolting, on account of literally sexualising beings who cannot consent to sex or being sexualised, even in fiction, it's what it represents. If you think that's cute, do you think actual CSAM is cute?

Shit is ridiculous.

Yeah honestly I feel like loli is an attempt to get child porn normalised under the guise of "it's just drawings."

Drawn gay porn is still gay porn. It doesn't stop being gay porn because it's a drawing.

Why the fuck do they look at it? Why do they want to see children being sexualised? Do they have literal CSAM on their devices? Why is it being drawn any different?

Tired Bunny :bunhdcomfysleep:

@Elizafox There is also shotacon situation which is kinda weird and even more controversial

I guess I understand why it doesnโ€™t get the same reaction as it should be as it is related to the same issues as loli, since most of it is watched by male audience that is putting themselves in the body of this character in their imagination so itโ€™s mostly about size difference fetish and โ€œactiveโ€ member being female fetish for themโ€ฆ

This is still by any means not morally correct, but also, it is usually quietly taken under the rug and forgotten, so it may be better to at least mention it

@Elizafox There is also shotacon situation which is kinda weird and even more controversial

I guess I understand why it doesnโ€™t get the same reaction as it should be as it is related to the same issues as loli, since most of it is watched by male audience that is putting themselves in the body of this character in their imagination so itโ€™s mostly about size difference fetish and โ€œactiveโ€ member being female fetish for themโ€ฆ

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