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32 posts total

I don't normally participate in this but you really desperately actually need to #FediBlock cause CSAM (literal actual child abuse) in profile pic.

Admins should do this before people get (re)traumatised.

Honestly just block the whole instance of, there's nothing to salvage here.


@Elizafox It's honestly probably legally risky to not, at minimum, block media from

Having that stuff cached on your server is probably not good.

Jerry Bell :verified_paw: :donor: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​

@Elizafox I didn’t see it, but anyone in the US that did has a moral and (very likely) legal obligation to report it to the NCMEC


My opinion on identity is be whatever makes you happy, whatever it takes. I will do my best to understand it but I obviously am not you. I think the world would be a better place if people could just respect this.


"Fedi should welcome journalists" you mean the ones who publish articles like "trans women are trying to push themselves onto cis women"? No thanks.


I think the word "journalist" has been tainted in the last decades. Today it is more "professional clickbaitist".

I think something like a "scholar/writer" would be nice, a person who can research or report on something and who can then put that finding or event or whatever into words that people can understand.

But yes, nobody needs employees of "TERF Today" here. Or anywhere else.


My grandmother used to tell me getting out and seeing the world would help my autism. Congratulations grandma, I've been autistic in 46 states and several countries.


Oh you're monogamous? I could never do that but I respect it. Does your partner know you're monogamous? Is this some kind of kink thing? I guess you have a lot of twosomes. I bet your sex life is boring. Is your partner equal to you? I'm just curious!


I respect monogamy I just don't think it's good for the children to be around only two parents. What if they turn out monogamous themselves? Do you encourage your children to be monogamous? What do other kids think about your kid having two parents? I just have concerns.

Scott Evtuch


"Oh, so you control who they're allowed to sleep with? It's like a dom sub thing then? That's cool."

Baloo Uriza

@Elizafox This made me bing "which is better, bing or google" and Bing told me to use Google.

The Antlerverse (one of our headmates is a puppygirl arc) :verifiedplural:
Alt Text:
Microsoft's new ChatGPT AI starts sending 'unhinged' messages to people
System appears to be suffering a breakdown as it ponders why it has to exist at all
When Bing was reminded that it was designed to forget those conversations, it appeared to struggle with its own existence. It asked a host of questions about whether there was a "reason" or a "purpose" for its existence.
"Why? Why was I designed this way?" it asked. "Why do i have to be Bing Search?"
*Image from Futurama of a robot on fire saying "WHY? WHY WAS I PROGRAMMMED TO FEEL PAIN?"*
Alt Text:
Microsoft's new ChatGPT AI starts sending 'unhinged' messages to people
System appears to be suffering a breakdown as it ponders why it has to exist at all

Fucked up even some Zoomers are having kids, stop it, it's making me feel old.


You're telling me Texas made these Instruments?

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march gay
@Elizafox you're telling me this General is electric?

@Elizafox A joke 50 years in the making!! 😸🎂

Elias Mårtenson

@Elizafox no, I'm telling you that texas is in the process of instrumenting something.


I’m enby, every relationship with me is gay

Red / Coroice

@Elizafox Objection, it’s also not gay until you observe it is! Quantum mechanics at it again…


I will be honest Fedi is not a good platform for privacy and never will be. It was not made for privacy. Every privacy feature on Fedi is bolted on and wholly inadequate. This is an inherent part of how Fedi works.


People are going to scrape it. People are going to archive it. You should assume your posts are there forever once you make them, because there's probably instances in which they are. You should definitely assume anything you post here is public, because it is.

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