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I don't have a problem with Catholics who aren't hateful (the ones who are, can go fuck off)

But I hate the Catholic church. Despise it even.

It is a hateful organisation preaching trans and gay genocide and discouraging condom use in AIDS afflicted parts of Africa.

Not to mention it still refuses to do anything meaningful about pedophilia in the church and continues to insist it's a homosexuality problem.

And they try to say God is love.

All I see when I look at the church is hatred and bigotry.

It should be destroyed.

If this offends you, instead of making a comment, do a deep reflection on just what your church is doing to real human beings. Cause I don't wanna hear church apologia. Find someone else who cares.

And no, Evangelicals are not better. I am an equal opportunity despiser of evil sects of religion.

david :apartyblobcat:

@Elizafox if god is real why have I never seen him

何事西风 :nekomimi_girl_emoji_007: 不待人
@Elizafox it's "child sexual harassment," not "pedophilia." the use of latter implies that a thought can hurt others and that it seems ok to sexually harass an adult.
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