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Why is privacy important?

Consider this:

You're on the street, chatting up a friend, and you say, "heh, if I had the chance, I'd cap the president."

A CCTV camera catches you saying it. The cops think it's suspicious so they send it on to the secret service. Three agents come to your house to take you, to "ask you some questions."

If you think that sounds ridiculous, this already happens to people who say that kind of thing *online* in the US, on a regular basis. If the Feds can find you, they'll be very interested in that.


I know what some of you might think, "well, don't say that then!"

Why? People say shit like that all the time. I've said shit like that sometimes in frustration. Someone's statement of anger or outrage almost never equates to something credible.

If you think we shouldn't say things like that, you've already got the mindset of someone living in an authoritarian regime, or someone who supports one, where we can be arrested for slips of the tongue.

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@Elizafox what if I told we already live in one?

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