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26 posts total

honestly, it's every day with these two adorable idiots. they are literally, somehow, growling at each other


Cat West

@ElleGray Police wear all that body armor, have weapons, have authority/power and yet it’s not enough… their skin is so very, very thin. I too, love The Welsh

Paul Cantrell


Of what? Oh, please do tell us, Welsh police.


morale in hospitals is currently very low and this is one of the reasons

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Allan Chow

@ElleGray they should install a claw machine without the claw on the side

Hot Dog Water


Oh, to be passed out slumped next to an empty vending machine on a crinkly bed of shining wrappers, a deeply satisfied lump of human jerky, cured from all the delicious salty snacks, endoscopy tools cradled like a baby in one shriveled arm.😊
I hope theft triples.

Also, something Quincy M.E. would do daily.👍


am being informed that breakfast is late



this morning I was out-poetried by a sidewalk that had thoughts on pain, impermanence, resilience and beauty

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Dave Pease ☑️

@ElleGray I couldn't tell these were flowers in the timeline image and thought instead that Bobby Fingers had buried something here

Jo Jitsu

@ElleGray it reminds me of Andy Goldsworthy’s work.
Some examples. But if you don’t know his work and you think this is beautiful you’d love his art and check more out.
he also deals with ideas around impermanence, the ephemeral, fragile, transformation, using nature and time. My most favorite artist.


@ElleGray I love how the alt txt gives us context on how you perceive the scene/image


my two personalities, aloof international assassin and scruffy chaos kitten, competing for control of my day

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Ben Royce 🇺🇸 🇺🇦

@ElleGray i don't know how you did it, but you captured an entire story, about an odd couple, each an outsized character, in a photograph

Akire Bubar

@ElleGray OMG those expressions - WOW. :blobcatupsidedown:​ 😆​


I'll know we're winning when everyone has stopped saying "AI tech is inevitable," like it's an angry God we're powerless to stop, and starts making fun of it. It deserves no diffidence, no respect, no fear. This is the way

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Nobody باچیز नास्ति (he/him)

@ElleGray Adrak is not a Thai word though, so isn't Ilaichi, both words from the Indian subcontinent. Writing does look Thai, but it's similar to Telugu or Kannada too.

It's a mystery or maybe in an area with Indian immigrants/expats who will read the English lettering.

Update: looks like Bangalore and Kannada
See images for comparison of lettering.


@ElleGray I've seen this before but it's worth boosting again! 😁


@ElleGray Today's AI craze is yesterday's EST trend, but with potty privileges.


Small cat already being VERY annoying this morning*

*effortlessly out-yoga-ing me in spite of the fact I've been doing it for 10 years and she thinks exercise is ridiculous



whenever my boss says "think of the big picture, elle" I'm immediately an astronaut floating silently in space tethered to my ship looking down on earth, and nothing he wants seems important or even relevant really so this strategy has backfired on him more than once is what I'm saying

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Nicolas Ward

@ElleGray My annual feedback is almost always Think Big, need to use this 😂

Kern 🏳️‍🌈 the big picture??? Oh my god I'm gonna die one day and I never even asked for any of this oh god


If I told you I named my kitten "Winter" for lots of reasons but mainly bc her markings remind me of a stream in a forest just as winter is leaving and the snow is melting and the water begins to run, you might think, understandably, I'm a little crazy BUT the artist of this painting, I feel sure, would completely understand

(Kitaoka Fumio 'Sai River in the snow ' 2012)



I feel quite certain this little creature is living her best life

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Tucker Carlson's Nuts

🥥 That's the #Hanukka sea slug happily celebrating the holiday season. 🥥


(The soundtrack to this sea snail's life)
I feel pretty
Oh, so pretty
I feel pretty and witty and gay
And I pity
Any girl who isn't me today

I feel charming
Oh, so charming
It's alarming how charming I feel
And so pretty
That I hardly can believe I'm real

_Stephen Sondheim
Leonard Bernstein


@ElleGray Who's that Pokémon? It's Chromodoris!


the one where Santa realizes a glowing red nose would be completely useless in fog so he goes with the other heavily-bullied reindeer, Doppler

Yellow Flag

@ElleGray Still waiting for the one where Santa realizes that differences don’t have to be useful in order to be considered acceptable.

Orion (he/him)


🎶Doppler, the radar reindeer…🎶

It fits!


armadillos should sound like accordions when they run

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Cloudmom Colette

@ElleGray I BURST into laughter reading this

Thank you


@ElleGray Not when we are trying to be sneaky!



Wait, what do accordions sound like when they run?


my two personalities, aloof international assassin and scruffy chaos kitten, competing for control of my day

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