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La 6.1 de PeerTube est sortie !

Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer la sortie de la version 6.1 de 🥳

Intégration de l'import/export de compte, baisse de la durée d'une vue, 2 failles de sécurité importantes corrigées, et bien plus !

Il est temps de mettre à jour vos instances !



PeerTube 6.1 is out!

We're pleased to announce the 6.1 release of 🥳

Integration of account import/export, shorter duration to count a view, 2 important security vulnerabilities fixes, and more!

It's time to upgrade your instances!

Check out:


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err head :pc2black: 🏴‍☠️ ✂️

Hopefully those EU instances being retired will upgrade before going down. the export would be really helpful for the existing users.

The Gamer's Tavern 🍻

@peertube lovely, gonna plan the update for our server! Thank you for your hard work!


@peertube Cada vez melhor. Parabéns à equipe!


We are in the process of developing a mobile application in 2024 🎉 :peertube:

Before starting the technical development, we felt it was important to understand the expectations of people who are watching videos.

We're looking for a few people to take part in a short 30 minutes video conference during the week of 15-19 January to find out more about your needs and opinions regarding the adaptation of PeerTube as a mobile application.

Send us a direct message if you're interested!


We tried to simulate 1000 viewers on a video, and then on a livestream. (Note that 99% of twitch livestreams are under 1000 simultaneous views.)

We optimized accordingly... And here are the results: it works!

With a ~20$ server, PeerTube can now support such usecases.

Read all about these stress tests on our blog :


Do you have any questions about ?

Ask them here using the hashtag and tomorrow, 6-8pm (CET) we'll answer them in a livestream hosted by @fediversereport !

The live will be here : (and yes, there will be a replay)

Mark Wieczorek

@peertube @fediversereport Are there any plans to develop an "official" peertube client that runs on webOS televisions or ? Unfortunately, with an LG TV (webOS) and a Raspbery PI, it doesn't seem possible to watch Peertube content.


@peertube @fediversereport Congratulations for using the wonderful #livechatplugin by @John_Livingston ! By the way:


If you have an account on a PT instance with (a recent version of) the livestream chat plugin installed, you can join from there: just copy/paste the live url in the search bar of your instance

The key was adopting #XMPP protocol for the chat; the @prosodyim server embedded into the plugin federates with other instances like Peertube ones.

You can join the chat with your XMPP client of choice as well! (And you identity is not revealed to other participants, being the chat semi-anonymous)

@peertube @fediversereport Congratulations for using the wonderful #livechatplugin by @John_Livingston ! By the way:


If you have an account on a PT instance with (a recent version of) the livestream chat plugin installed, you can join from there: just copy/paste the live url in the search bar of your instance


If you missed it, we released v6 yesterday, packed with great features (learn more here :

Once again, we want to thank publicly @NGIZero / @EC_NGI and NLnet for their grant and support that helped us fund this year's work !

Arnaud Mangasaryan

@peertube Thanks a lot! @pair2jeux, vous pensez que ça pourrait résoudre mon problème d'upload de vidéos sur l'instance ? J'aimerais vraiment pouvoir l'utiliser normalement.


Password-protected videos, video re-upload, storyboards, chapters...

We're proud and happy to present this year's work on v6!

Read and share widely:



We need your help to ensure that (and all the actions of our not-for-profit) won't be funded solely by donations from the French speaking community!

We've got 5 weeks left to raise our 2024 budget: spread the word!



@peertube can you go more detail about the password protected video


@peertube I've read you removed WebTorrent. Does that mean that there isn't P2P anymore?


We're proud to release PeerTube v5.2 with a huge technical achievement: remote transcoding!

Now even low-power and cheap servers can run a instance.

Also: choose visibility of livestream replays, improved a11y, etc.

Check out:

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Alexander Olofsson | Ananace

@peertube Looks like your container image build failed for the 5.2 release, waiting on that to update my Helm chart and get some upgraded Kubernetes deployments underway :)


@peertube anyone else seeing SSL / HSTS errors preventing them from loading ?


v5 is out today! 🎉
With a redesigned file system, an « object storage » system for live streams, two-factor authentication connection and a lot of bug fixes and improvements.

Infos in our blogpost:

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Cyber-Fox 🏴‍☠️🐙


A big tanks for all the people who made Peertube. :blobcatheart: :blobcatheart: :blobcatheart: :blobcatheart:


@peertube lots to offer * whoa : solar , ev's


v4.3 is out! 😍😍😍
▪ automatic import of videos from a remote channel
▪ UI improvements
▪ better integration of videos and live streams
▪ more instances customizations

Discover improvements and new features of this latest version on :


You have ideas for ?
You know what could be improved, changed or added?

Please share them on our user-friendly feedback tool.

This will help us build our next roadmap and show contributors what the community wants


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@peertube nice to see that contributing bandwidth is around the top. I also developed a client based on libtorrent, but then found out that webtorrent is practically phased out of peertube for some browser only, custom solution.

After asking for another solution besides running a peertube instance, the answer was "Unfortunately, no". That's when I gave up.

Hopefully, with that feature request being at the top now, it'll be made possible.


@peertube could you please make the signin field an "email" field, so that mobile clients don't have autocorrect enabled?

Dawid Rejowski


Kodi plugin, Android/Linux app.
Improving search and discovery of new content!
YouTube channel sync like the one Odysee has.


With , admins can set a limit of simultaneous live streams (per user and/or for the whole instance) 👉


v4.2 is out! 😍😍😍
▪ editing videos from the web interface
▪ detailed viewers stats for videos
▪ ability to adjust latency during a live broadcast
▪ saving each permanent/recurring live streaming session as a replay on a new url
▪ edit video subtitles directly from the web interface
Discover improvements and new features of this latest version on

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Alif Radhitya


editing videos from the web interface is useless..

F. Maury ⏚

@peertube Excellent release! Some of these new features constitute a really important step for Peertube. Congrats!


Hi in !
We're thinking about the best way to export/import account/chain data from one instance to another.

Do you know of any export protocols or conventions?


Installing on your server is like creating your own free-libre alternative to "YouTube", where you choose the name ▶️ ! Documentation and official support will guide you through this adventure.


If you have questions about , you'll get to talk with real people 👩💻👨💻: administrators and moderators are not robots!


You like live concerts?
You want to listen them on ? Check out the concerts streamed by @liveitlive !

Tonight, 8:30pm (UTC+2) Naveni will livestream her pop, soul and jazz beats.

Go to

(and sharing is caring ❤️ )


🎉 We are proud to announce that PeerTube has just surpassed 1,000 declared instances! 🎉

PeerTube is a free and federated software alternative to YouTube that allows hosting and broadcasting videos, including lives.

Learn more at :

PeerTube is funded by… you!


PeerTube v4.1 is out! 😍😍😍
▪️a video player more practical
▪️an improved plugin system
▪️new filters on search results
▪️more instances customizations
▪️disabling the p2p protocol
Discover improvements and new features of this latest version on


🎉🎉🎉🖖 v4 is out! 🖖🎉🎉🎉

Customization, content discovery, empowering through more control… Our free-libre and federated alternative to YouTube takes the power back to you!


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