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#PeerTube v5 is out today! 🎉
With a redesigned file system, an « object storage » system for live streams, two-factor authentication connection and a lot of bug fixes and improvements.

Infos in our blogpost:


Like all our actions, the development of #PeerTube is funded by your donations. To date, we have received nearly 40% of the €200,000 we need to complete our budget and realize our plans for 2023.

To support us:


The disvantatge is transcript that make it bad. There is much closed issue about this. And transceipt has to default in I help humankind understand and translate it for other people's.

Cyber-Fox 🏴‍☠️🐙

@peertube great news. 😊

Peertube is a fantastic tools. Thanks to everyone who work on it. :blobcatheart:


@peertube v5 is out! It mostly brings boring, quality of life changes… which is actually awesome: it shows the project is mature and widely used. They already plan more "boring quality" work for v6.

@Framasoft its primary maintainer only accepts donations up to a certain amount, to avoid being too dependant on a single organisation.

If you want PeerTube to keep improving and serve your interests, click the link in the post I'm replying to and support them financially if you can

🔄 Reblog this!

Erik ✅

@peertube Damn, I really have to upgrade my instance 😳 Thank you for this great application 👍

Itsik / n4mu


Just one thing, information about the new secrets.peertube isn't easy to find.

Cheers for everything else

/me looking forward to getting PeerTube back online.
: ]

Itsik / n4mu


I'm back online. \o/

For anyone searching :

Update "production.yaml" file (check "peertube-v5.0.0/config/production.yaml.example" for differences).
In there is a new parameter, and in the comments are the instructions on what to do.


@manu @peertube don't hesitate to follow the official upgrade guide ( that already give you the command to adapt your configuration file :)

Itsik / n4mu

@Chocobozzz @peertube

After noticing the config update (secrets.peertube), I did end up going to the docs/upgrade page.

Perhaps, at the end of the update script output, there could be a hint to check for config updates (PeerTube, Nginx, Systemd). Those updates aren't automagically taken care of by the script, so they can be forgotten (especially by people like me).
: ]

Thanks for the PeerTubes!

JRelland :linux: :flower:

Merci à l'équipe de développement et de support.

Cyber-Fox 🏴‍☠️🐙


A big tanks for all the people who made Peertube. :blobcatheart: :blobcatheart: :blobcatheart: :blobcatheart:


@peertube lots to offer * whoa : solar , ev's

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