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PeerTube 6.1 is out!

We're pleased to announce the 6.1 release of #PeerTube 🥳

Integration of account import/export, shorter duration to count a view, 2 important security vulnerabilities fixes, and more!

It's time to upgrade your instances!

Check out:



@peertube Hey! Very good news! Thanks for the effort 😄


In practical terms, this means that you can have an archive of your videos on a PeerTube instance (rather than taking up space on both your personal hard drive and a lower quality on the PeerTube instance).

I would be cautious on having your videos only online. Unless you have great control and confidence on the server administriation, it can be sudenly offline and loose everything. Or I misunderstood your explanation?

err head

Hopefully those EU instances being retired will upgrade before going down. the export would be really helpful for the existing users.

The Gamer's Tavern 🍻

@peertube lovely, gonna plan the update for our server! Thank you for your hard work!


@peertube Cada vez melhor. Parabéns à equipe!

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