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We need your help to ensure that #PeerTube (and all the actions of our not-for-profit) won't be funded solely by donations from the French speaking community!

We've got 5 weeks left to raise our 2024 budget: spread the word!


Mehrad :kde: :emacs: :rstats:

Why do you think only french speaking people donate to you? Here is a reason: because you take the money and then overload our mailboxes with french emails. I donated previously and everything was, and still is, in french. To the extent that even the URL you shared is in french! "" indtead of "".

I genuinely am highly disappointed that my donation meant I will be exclusively sent emails only in french! This is bad PR from you.


Why do you think only french speaking people donate to you? Here is a reason: because you take the money and then overload our mailboxes with french emails. I donated previously and everything was, and still is, in french. To the extent that even the URL you shared is in french! "" indtead of "".

Mehrad :kde: :emacs: :rstats:

French is a good language, sure, but don't ask for contributions in English and then from there after reply everything in French. In my book this is rude.

Tbh, even beggars when they ask for money in English, they say "thank you" and not "merci" when they get donation (at least those that can remove their forehead from the pavement of Champs-Elysées).

Imho, up your PR game. If you can write in Fediverse in English, you can also send emails in English.

French is a good language, sure, but don't ask for contributions in English and then from there after reply everything in French. In my book this is rude.

Tbh, even beggars when they ask for money in English, they say "thank you" and not "merci" when they get donation (at least those that can remove their forehead from the pavement of Champs-Elysées).



Thanks for the agressive feedback.

Our only English-first project is PeerTube. That's why if you subscribe to the PeerTube Newsletter, you'll receive it in English (with a French translation below):

The Framasoft Newsletter is 4 to 6 emails/year. Is it fair to call it flooding?

But the important think is: if you are not happy with who we are (we are not native in English, c'est la vie !) and what we do, it is important you stop giving us money!



To us, it is all about trust.

You obviously don't trust us to reach your standards, and I (hi I'm Pouhiou) think that those standards are not adapted to Framasoft, meaning that I don't think we will earn your trust in the future (look at, it exists, an redirect to "soutenir", so it is not really what you'd expect).

As a rule of thumb, we all should not donate to collectives we don't trust. And we should feel free (to trust, not trust, and be who we are).

Mehrad :kde: :emacs: :rstats:

I donate because I believe in you cause. But yes, I believe #framasoft attitude toward non-french speaking donors is rude.

How hard is it to translate those "4 to 6 emails/year" to English? How hard? Almost zero. You can send it to libretranslate, get the text, proof read it twice and you're done!

Joris (DWizzy) :unverified:

@peertube For some ironic reason, it redirected me to the French page instead of
even though my browser sent 'accept-language: en-UK,en;q=0.5'


That's not normal, at the very least it should display you browser langage...

Thanks, we'll look into it !

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