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4 posts total
Thomas Ricouard

Ice Cubes feels just at home on visionOS.

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Taimar Teetlok

@dimillian Not so sure about ‘just at home’ as it feels visually heavy in this iPad-style dark theme. VisionOS apps are expected to use the new lightweight glass material that automagically matches all lighting conditions.

“Avoid using solid colors on windows. Too many opaque windows can feel constricting and make the interface feel heavy. Glass responds dynamically to lighting, adjusting the contrast and color balance to feel part of your space, like in this transition from day to night. Unlike iOS and macOS, this platform does not have a distinct light or dark appearance.”

This WWDC video has more details:

@dimillian Not so sure about ‘just at home’ as it feels visually heavy in this iPad-style dark theme. VisionOS apps are expected to use the new lightweight glass material that automagically matches all lighting conditions.

“Avoid using solid colors on windows. Too many opaque windows can feel constricting and make the interface feel heavy. Glass responds dynamically to lighting, adjusting the contrast and color balance to feel part of your space, like in this transition from day to night. Unlike...

Jeff Sikes

@dimillian Exciting!

I guess I'll just use the emulator so I can be a cool kid and try it out. 😆

Thomas Ricouard

This new UI on the web is really nice. Definitely emphasis profile with verified links.

Thomas Ricouard

I literally forgot that @IceCubesApp do it like that. Maybe I should truncate the bio in the search tho.

Thomas Ricouard

Apple just what the fuck? You send me rejection with screenshots from the app. I don't get it. OMG. This is insane!!!!!

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Chris Wu :toucan:

@dimillian your “minimum functionality“ app just suggested that I follow somebody that I know I was already following. No idea how that happened (and I’m definitely not saying that your app did it). I’m just glad that your app gave me a heads up so I could get it fixed and follow them again.


@dimillian so there was one app store rejection story I've been telling people for years. When I worked at VKontakte, our iOS app got rejected a couple of times with the reason to the effect of "we opened the video section, typed the word porn into the search field, and naked people came up". What did you expect doing that, Karen, cute kittens? I thought this was the most asinine app store rejection of all time.

But then I saw this. This takes the cake.

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