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Thomas Ricouard

Apple just what the fuck? You send me rejection with screenshots from the app. I don't get it. OMG. This is insane!!!!!

Marcin Krzyzanowski

@dimillian "here's proves you're wrong, stop sending me this shit"

Thomas Ricouard

@krzyzanowskim It’s exactly that, random screenshot of the app, working fine, showing the app functionalities, including iOS native stuff that you can onlu do on iOS.

Marcin Krzyzanowski

@dimillian good luck. this is bananas and I hope it reach the press so they have a chance to fix it :-)

Thomas Ricouard

@gruber this mean a lot. Thank you so much. Let’s see if it get the ball rolling🤞

Thomas Ricouard

@gruber If you want the full timeline, it's actually 7 rejections, since January 10, and indeed the last one was 6 days in before rejection this morning!


@gruber @dimillian 💯 doesn’t matter what Apple says anymore...their actions have shown time and time again that they are not being good stewards/gatekeepers of the App Store...nor are they acting in their customers’ best interest (as they say)

Matt Thomas

@dimillian this honestly now seems like a reviewer with a personal grudge. If you have a queue with thousands of reviews to get through, you don’t take the time to take that many screen shots

Peter du Toit

@dimillian “minimum functionality” 🤷🏻‍♂️

Thomas Ricouard

@peterdutoit I think I could make a webview and it would pass review faster 🤷‍♂️

Nikhil Nigade

@dimillian feels like App Review has been going through substance abuse lately. Erratic rejections everywhere

But don’t lose hope 🙌🏼

Chris Wu :toucan:

@dimillian your “minimum functionality“ app just suggested that I follow somebody that I know I was already following. No idea how that happened (and I’m definitely not saying that your app did it). I’m just glad that your app gave me a heads up so I could get it fixed and follow them again.

Thomas Ricouard

@MuseumShuffle haha, I guess it’s the Mastodon API being weird? Or maybe you followed that person from somewhere else and the explore screen was not refreshed?

Chris Wu :toucan:

@dimillian After I saw it in Ice Cubes I went to and looked on my computer in a web browser and it still showed I wasn't following him. I suppose there's a tiny chance that six days ago I posted to his profile but didn't follow but I really doubt it.


@dimillian so there was one app store rejection story I've been telling people for years. When I worked at VKontakte, our iOS app got rejected a couple of times with the reason to the effect of "we opened the video section, typed the word porn into the search field, and naked people came up". What did you expect doing that, Karen, cute kittens? I thought this was the most asinine app store rejection of all time.

But then I saw this. This takes the cake.

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