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Thomas Ricouard

This new UI on the web is really nice. Definitely emphasis profile with verified links.

Thomas Ricouard

I literally forgot that @IceCubesApp do it like that. Maybe I should truncate the bio in the search tho.


@dimillian @IceCubesApp I was asking myself if I should try to improve the user list in a PR.
For me, bio is less important than verification status, and we lack the number of followers. It’s some kind of indicator when reviewing the boosts of a post, or when looking for someone ^^


@dimillian @IceCubesApp

My proposal:
- Followers count & verification before bio
- bio limited to 2 lines because we need to keep eligibility for the rows.
- Using footnote for the verified site ; and caption for the bio

PR incoming

Before / After

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