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Eugen Rochko

Got a report that the #Finnish translation of Mastodon had some inaccuracies (presumably machine-translated by someone), if anyone who speaks 🇫🇮 wants proofreader privileges on Crowdin, let me know



@Gargron Join the Don’t Marry Movement

3 main points:

-Never legally marry an American woman
-Never have children with an American woman
-If you are married to an American woman, never buy a house so she cannot steal it from you in divorce

Manifesto here:

Eugen Rochko

Without @cosmicevan's toot yesterday I actually wouldn't have scrolled that far in Spotify and found the Violet album of The Dear Hunter... Had no idea it was there

attention! murder has been me!

@gargron @cosmicevan all of The Color Spectrum is amazing but Violet IN PARTICULAR!

When it first came out everyone was talking about how it seemed like a musical so I actually came up with a storyline for the four songs. Then I never got around to writing it up.

Eugen Rochko

Things I wanna see in 2020: More than 5K servers, more than 5M users, more than 1M monthly active users, more artists and musicians, more journalists, and for more people to use the goddamn #caturday hashtag when posting cats on a saturday

Eugen Rochko

Just to be clear I boosted two of my Christmas wishes from 2017 and 2018. Please mind the date on posts.

Eugen Rochko

Not gonna lie it's hard to beat last year's wish! It's the ultimate goal. I do have a wish I want to post but it feels smaller.

Eugen Rochko

Okay, anyone have ideas how you could practically scan the Mastodon database for accounts using breached e-mail/password combinations, to send warnings?

The API requires buying an API key for $3.50 per month, plus since Mastodon (of course) irreversibly hashes passwords with bcrypt that sort of task becomes non-trivial.

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@Gargron 1) Find Passwordlists in web (e.g.
2) hash those with bCrypt
3) compare them to the hashes in your db
4) ???
5) profit

Jon Knapp 🐻🏴‍☠️🄯

@Gargron Unfortunately I think most of these strats won't work, because Devise salts passwords by default and you'd have to hash every password for every user =\

Can someone confirm this?


@Gargron ideally it's impossible w/o the full dataset. Also even if you trust such services, not every user may want you to send password related data to 3rd party APIs.

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Sir Fhinger 🌙

@Gargron Ah! Something like the announcements system available on Misskey, or more like a events widget? Anyways, looks nice 👍


@Gargron Oh wow! Please commit this soon! ❤️

Eugen Rochko

Tame Impala songs stuck in my head on loop


@Gargron Listen to Sundress ft. ASAP Rocky

John Bennett 🇦🇺 :debian:

@Gargron good luck in getting rid of it. Hope u don't do what happens to me, that is song sticks in my head head ALL DAY. Go to bed get up next morning, about smoko (10 am), think "gee it's nice I got rid of that song", then you know what happens, It's BACK!!!

Eugen Rochko

Sheev fucks

Satsuma [moved]

@Gargron yeah i’m still not over that bit either

Eugen Rochko

So Palpatine created Snoke, but it's not at all clear what for. And how. If the First Order was led by Palpatine, what made it different to the Empire? And for that matter, why the fuck create a Final Order if it's literally the same thing as the First Order?

By the way, it means Anakin Skywalker didn't do jack shit. His fall and rise was just a squat exercise and the prophecy never mattered.

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