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@Gargron I had flu for two weeks this January, I spent a lot of time tooting from bed :) Recovered now, but it was... 😢 xD
Take care!


@Gargron the most surprising thing is you only have 1.8T of media, I'd expect you'd be hosting a lot more


@Gargron I'd really like to start contributing and can probably do so by helping with (English) wording and documentation. I work in marketing comms and have experience of technical documentation.


@Gargron Great work, thank you. Let me know if there is a way I can contribute. Let's talk in Vienna...

Eugen Rochko

Uhhhh I'm now trying to write a post-mortem on the influx of users from India in November and from Spain in December but I didn't document anything at the time and now I'm finding it really difficult to remember the details

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@Gargron Just trust your impressions. Make clear that your report is not based on strong data support.


@Gargron Well, here you have the Chilean migration to try again :)

Eugen Rochko

I'm curious (as a non-user), how does changing or resetting your password work on ProtonMail in regards to the symmetrically encrypted PGP key?

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If you lose a password, you lose access to the data it protects. You can reset your account password, but you can't get access to the data again unless you remember the old password.

It is possible to export and import encryption keys for emails and contacts, which would allow you to back them up.

If you later remember your old password, after resetting it, you can get data back by reactivating the old keys with the old password:

If you lose a password, you lose access to the data it protects. You can reset your account password, but you can't get access to the data again unless you remember the old password.

It is possible to export and import encryption keys for emails and contacts, which would allow you to back them up.

Laura Ritchie 🌸

@Gargron think it just regenerates it. You can have a key pair within it, also a separate password encrypts your mail. If doing pgp with external users you can have a separate key pair. (Can look up more specifics if you like/need)

Jocor :fedora:

@Gargron I pretty sure you can back up your key so that if you lose your password you can reset it and then use your old key to decrypt your old emails

Eugen Rochko

I really regret pre-ordering WC3: Reforged when it was announced, hoping to get a refund since I haven't even launched it

Eugen Rochko

For those of you who do not have the "reduce motion" setting turned on and who like animations, are there any elements of the web app you feel are lacking a smooth animation?


@Gargron Some buttons/links (e.g. the ones in the bar above the compose box) fade on hover, but others (e.g. link previews or the links in the getting started column) don't, which is a little inconsistent.

Thomas Fuchs 🕹️🔭

@Gargron honestly, and I’m saying that as the person who sort of invented web animation (, only animate stuff when you need the users’ attention; like for errors or required input.

Nate Cull

@Gargron yay there's a 'reduce motion' setting? I'm gonna be ticking that one.

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Rev.Dr. Nikolai Kingsley


Come out, worm,
with nine little worms,
out from the marrow into the bone,
from the bone into the flesh,
from the flesh into the skin,
from the skin into this arrow.
so be it, Lord.

- 10th century charm against infection


@Gargron plenty of water + electrolytes and rest. Take care, hope you feel better soon :)

Eugen Rochko

I'm pretty sure all I need to do for 3.1.0rc1 now is compose the changelog...

Jon Leibowitz

@Gargron will Mastodon be in a place to see, theoretically, more frequent (or time-based) releases? Is there anything the community can do to facilitate a regular release cadence?

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