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Eugen Rochko

You can send toots and confirm boosts with Ctrl+Enter

a pup of coffee :v_agender: :bowie: ☕

@Gargron It frustrates me that some sites don't have this keybinding since I'm used to it everywhere else. I keep breaking Patreon trying to comment like that :bowie_laugh:


@Gargron Waiting for the native clients I use to support that...

@tootapp @mastonaut

Eugen Rochko

Seeing as we have so many new users the past few weeks, let me mention that development of Mastodon and hosting of is not funded by venture capital or ads, but through crowdfunding:


And for certain tiers of support, your name or your company's logo is listed on our sponsors page:


@Gargron Someone can explain to me what exactly Patreon is?


@Gargron Gordon Ramsay with a quote that says "delicious, finally some good fucking music" #CaptionEugen

Eugen Rochko

There's no screenshot of Lucille Bluth saying "I don't remember that" that I can find, but it is what I had in my mind when I said "I don't remember that"

Eugen Rochko

Wait, what do you mean Mastodon's first public commit was today 4 years ago? 4 years ago? It's been 4 years?

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@Gargron Happy birthday to Eugen's monster


@Gargron proud of you eugen!! you have created something that is truly wonderful and amazing :)

Eugen Rochko

By the way, you can create invite links on Mastodon so that people who sign up using them follow you automatically.

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@Gargron so what you're saying is, William Shatner will finally be able to find Lance Ulanoff?

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@Gargron What if I want them to follow not only me but also some other people, probably on other servers?


@Gargron worked so far ,got like 3 ppl to sign up

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