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Eugen Rochko

I don't really like Signal. I don't like Telegram either. Wire is acceptable, but also clunky. It kinda sucks that people have to basically choose and commit to one app with all of their contacts now, if IM apps were federated like e-mail and Mastodon you could just keep talking to your friends from wherever.

108 comments | Expand all CWs

@Gargron I love signal please don't bulli me Gargron

לילית (a.k.a. o)
@Gargron have you tried whatsapp yet?
Tomas Ekeli

@Gargron i hope something based on element can be this. perhaps something on your phone that forwards any sms messages into it?


@Gargron I agree, years ago we used xmmp to connect to a lot of other accounts. Facebook, MS and others killed that.


@Gargron There are IM apps that federate, like e-mail and Mastodon (via XMPP for instance), and there are others that don't.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@Gargron Yeah. If only there was some federated extensible messaging and presence protocol that could do this!

Eugen Rochko

@drq I used to advocate for XMPP for many years, but I don't think there's any point anymore. I think multiple factors contributed to the downfall of XMPP... The underlying tech simply went out of vogue, nobody's excited to write or parse XML; too many crucial functions were not part of the core standard so UX varied wildly between different client and server apps, and of course the EEE by Google and Facebook contributed too, you could argue if that was a licensing failure


What do you think of the Matrix? Will it become popular?

:ggc: Niklas

@Gargron You could use Matrix or Jabber,they're federated just like Email and Mastodon and they work really good.

kambing :freebsd:

@Gargron heard matrix can bridge to discord and xmpp


@Gargron I used to use Miranda IM, which is nice because it handled YIM, AIM, IRC, and various others. Sadly the FF Wiki IRC migrated to Discord and I just hate the setup and never properly got into it after my indefinite hiatus, so I haven't had reason to do anything but group SMS in ages.


@Gargron It's interesting that you think Wire is acceptable, because I don't see anyone using it, and I think it had so much potential.

Eugen Rochko

@Ertain Yeah, though it's still disappointing. I think in 2017 they said they'd eventually make it possible to run your own Wire server and to talk between Wire servers (so, federation) but it's 2021 now and I don't think anything's moved.

Lance R. Vick


Matrix is federated, has multiple clients on every platform, and can bridge to centralized networks like Signal, Telegram etc if one absolutely must.

Matrix and IRC are all I use for over a year now.

Carl :kde:

@Gargron If you want federation there is Matrix :)

Grzegorz Kulik

@Gargron Matrix is federated and has bridges to other networks. It's pretty promising.

Eris 🏴:transgender:

@Gargron you're onto something. Encrypted fediverse for texting


@Gargron matrix / element? However for communication app friends and family need to be willing to switch. I find that part harder than finding a service.

Gracious Anthracite


I miss the days of (semi-)open protocols and multi-protocol apps so much. RIP Adium.

Rémy 🐲

@Gargron did you hear of Jabber? 🙈

Also Delta is getting quite an interesting approach (mail-based)


@Gargron there are apps that utilize email protocols, like Delta Chat for Android, and XMPP is a protocol that has federation. The fight, like with Mastodon, is getting friends onto the federated platform in the first place.


@Gargron Threema is pretty good also and they just went Open source

Christoffer Tallerås :noreg:

@Gargron without checking the replies I can hear the thunder and waves of matrix and XMPP replies 😅

Eugen Rochko

@christoffer I don't know what I would do if nobody told me about those things


I love how nobody seems to read your replies. 😅

Vex ♠☮♊⚣🌙

@Gargron Isn't there one out there... Jabber I think?

G 🇮🇹

@Gargron if you don't like this and don't like that, you're probably Asocial 😏


You mean like you can talk to your friends via matrix?

Max Cahill

@Gargron completely this
I managed to get my family onto signal (from viber, which, improvement tbh) a while ago but constantly feel like I kind of made the wrong choice, but also there's no one best choice afaict and it'd be great if you could just send a message to/from wherever without having to force someone into migrating. Imagine it that technology existed 🙃

Thomas Boxley

@Gargron Remember the old days of using Pidgin or Trillian with five different IM accounts?

Kyle Gospodnetich

@Gargron sadly good luck getting everyone to agree to one standard of encryption. It's bad enough getting everyone to agree to any standards at all.

Григорий Клюшников

Someone :suckless:, it's paid, it's even less secure than plaintext HTTP, it's very limited in its features, and to top it off, your identity aka phone number doesn't belong to you, it belongs to your carrier and is tied to a particular country. Also I don't really remember when I chatted over SMS with a real person. It's still widely popular for all kinds of notifications and 2fa codes though.

Григорий Клюшников

Wasn't Mastodon going to integrate Matrix? I remember seeing a merged pull request about that, and there also now are some fields about this in Mastodon's ActivityPub objects.

Григорий Клюшников

Dr. Quadragon ❌, interesting. So the PMs would remain the same nearly-unusable threaded thing, just encrypted? I was thinking about integrating the Matrix protocol into Smithereen to have a more traditional IM experience.

Liaizon Wakest

@grishka @drq @Gargron that would be awesome. You should do it to show the way!

Григорий Клюшников

˗ˏˋ wakest ˎˊ˗, in a distant future maybe :P
I'm working on groups now, and with my laziness, that's gonna take a looooong time.


@Gargron And have all the services interconnect in such a way that they agree on the best encryption scheme that both services support.

Eugen Rochko

Okay guys it's been 9 hours you can stop saying XMPP now.

Michal :verified:

@Gargron that reminds me, I need to finish setting up that Prosody server for the protocol-that-shall-not-be-named.

Jasper Siepkes

@Gargron Aaah C'mon...I just spend 8 hours setting it up 😂

:ggc: Niklas

@Gargron But I can continue to say Matrix,right? 😃 Really,it's great 👍


@Gargron There was a time when the XMPP federation seemed to come true. Almost Google and Facebook allowed communication with every server. Today, unfortunately XMPP is dead. The big ones have implemented a thousand local standards. Sad.

Callous Internet Man

@Gargron You understand what I must do now, right?



@Gargron What do you think Matrix? Matrix's federation almost the same as Fediverse


Here I may name delta chat which is an email chat client.

Thomas Ryan Lloyd

@Gargron is it something you can implement into Mastadon?


And you could have multiple IDs.
Eg. for private (family and friends), for club/hobby organisations, for work, …

@Gargron May I introduce you to XMPP?

@Gargron would love to know why you don't like Signal

Steffen Voß

@gargron Problem is: If they all were federated, there's no reason anymore for most people to have more than WhatsApp installed. And when you communicate with them, facebook will still use that meta-data.


@Gargron This sounds ideal, and as a not-developer I haven't a clue how to start something like that.

Aaron Graves

@Gargron Agree with the sentiment, though Signal appears to work fine for people you know (i.e. not just handing your numbers out around town). I've been playing with Session messenger for a bit, along with Element/Matrix.

Adam Stambaugh

@Gargron I really like XMPP. I use for their SMS/MMS/PSTN transport and I have an IRC transport. On top of that there's a bifrost instance on With those I can connect to Matrix MUCs, IRC channels, and MMS groups all from the comfort of XMPP. I also have most of my friends and family over on XMPP thanks to Quicksy for OMEMO E2EE communication.


@Gargron Plot twist, everything dies and we all go back to IRC 🤣


@Gargron you can try which is based on matrix. Its idea is to federate different systems


@Gargron Why don't you like Signal? Curious to know...


@Gargron I wonder if will eventually be used for this purpose

@Gargron I currently use Telegram but I would love to be on a federated chat platform. I've been hosting a Matrix server for two years and it's been nothing but buggy and bothersome. Every few second my Matrix server disconnects from every client/every connection and after trying it on different machines/with different configs/filing issues I've just come to the conclusion that maybe it's a buggy mess. I'd love to see something with simplicity closer to Mastodon and other platforms, and honestly something that used AP as its protocol.
@Gargron I currently use Telegram but I would love to be on a federated chat platform. I've been hosting a Matrix server for two years and it's been nothing but buggy and bothersome. Every few second my Matrix server disconnects from every client/every connection and after trying it on different machines/with different configs/filing issues I've just come to the conclusion that maybe it's a buggy mess. I'd love to see something with simplicity closer to Mastodon and other platforms, and honestly...
Gary Murphy

@Gargron i get invites to new social media all week. i dont know which ones to use.


@Gargron If there was one app that could keep your contacts and keep contact with friends/coworkers why even use fb/twitter/whatsapp etc


@Gargron Signal UI improved from previous years at least

Carlos Ceballos ✅:mastodon:

@Gargron Also there is alternatives right now that literally uses the current e-mail federation infrastructure to put an end-to-end encrypted msg system on top like Delta Chat:

P.J. Finlay

@Gargron since Signal's main selling point is strong encryption that they are (at least for now) continually updating this seems hard to do in a federated way


@Gargron ve everyone to learn Morse Code and then pair it with GPG.


@Gargron Why don't you like Signal? Do you prefer Whastapp over it? I have been using Signal for some years and the overall user experience is the same as the one you get from WhatsApp or Telegram.



what do you recommend instead of signal and telegram?


@Gargron IM apps should be federated atleast. If Signal could support Matrix, it would be great...


@Gargron Why don't you like Signal? Does Wire still excist? I think i used that one many years ago. Looked amazing!


@Gargron is federated with many apps to choose from based on your preferences

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