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1,311 posts total
Aleksei � Matiushkin

10 years ago I thought that oil happens to be of two kinds: sunflower/olive. Today I reject buying oil made far from Jaén.


@mudasobwa по тебе пидарасу оказывается твитор скучает

Aleksei � Matiushkin

All of a sudden my both working laptops got broken. The rule to avoid damping my own hardware for business needs bit me.

The temporary solution, while a new Linux laptop is shipped, is that piece of sh… oh, wait, Mac Pro Guru Amoled, or somewhat alongside this naming.

So far I spent 3 hours setting it up and it’s still not smashed with my fist, which is 100% better compared to my previous attempt to marry Apple.

Custom keyboard layout, zsh, lunarvim, and kitty made it even kinda usable.

Aleksei � Matiushkin

TIL: the default keyboard layout not only cannot be removed/deactivated/disabled in favor of custom layouts on MacOS but also CUSTOM LAYOUTS CANNOT BE USED IN USER/PASSWORD INPUT FIELDS.

I am not sorry for the capslock. I am just freaked out.

Aleksei � Matiushkin

Депутат Александр Евсеевич Франхинштейн.

Aleksei � Matiushkin

Депутат Государственной Думы Хинштейн
свои яйца повесил во сне на кронштейн.
Он орал как бизон
евнухом — не резон —
в Государственной Думе не нужен Хинштейн.

Aleksei � Matiushkin

Слово «длинношеее», известное тремя «е» подряд, лучше всего переводить на английский как «neck-treeed», типа «шея как целое дерево».

Aleksei � Matiushkin

I could not disagree more.

Besides I am absolutely not interested in watching Conway’s Game of Life in real-time (and ChatGPT does exactly that: blindly and randomly makes cells alive if there are three neurons around.)

Still, if somebody wants to improve ChatGPT they should severely restrict its access to texts, allowing only Britannica. Otherwise, we’ll end up with another internet troll rigidly ignoring any rules.

Aleksei � Matiushkin

People blame Tesla not for the shitty cars, not for the lethal accidents paid to hide, not for the promises they never kept.

But for Elon’s thoughtcrime. Nah.

Tesla’s Brand Is Tanking, Survey Finds

Aleksei � Matiushkin

Úbeda is the city of monuments done right.

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