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Aleksei � Matiushkin

All of a sudden my both working laptops got broken. The rule to avoid damping my own hardware for business needs bit me.

The temporary solution, while a new Linux laptop is shipped, is that piece of sh… oh, wait, Mac Pro Guru Amoled, or somewhat alongside this naming.

So far I spent 3 hours setting it up and it’s still not smashed with my fist, which is 100% better compared to my previous attempt to marry Apple.

Custom keyboard layout, zsh, lunarvim, and kitty made it even kinda usable.

Aleksei � Matiushkin

TIL: the default keyboard layout not only cannot be removed/deactivated/disabled in favor of custom layouts on MacOS but also CUSTOM LAYOUTS CANNOT BE USED IN USER/PASSWORD INPUT FIELDS.

I am not sorry for the capslock. I am just freaked out.

Aleksei � Matiushkin

No, @apple seriously.

I have combined diacritics in passwords for all my sensitive accounts, including but not limited to email, banking, etc.

And I have kicked off all my services just because you decided to disallow custom keyboard layouts in _some_ fields? Really?


@mudasobwa Dear customer,

The word "parodique" means "parodic" in french.


The Team Cook.

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