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5 posts total
Jérémy Garniaux

Meta is allegedly sharing Whatsapp data to the IDF...

"Israel is killing people based on being in the same Whatsapp group as a suspected militant. Where are they getting this data? Is WhatsApp sharing it?"

Kierkegaanks, π/🦴

@jeremy meta social media, like sheep in an abattoir


@jeremy @aral Good thing we have the International Criminal Court in Den Haag. This is exactly why it exists. Of course the USA doesn’t recognize it, because war crimes, etc. I wonder if they’d go so far as to protect regular citizens from prosecution.

Jérémy Garniaux

I know I'm late to the party but didn't want to be guided by urgency: after quite a lot of reading, and exchanges with people here and there, I decided to defederate from Threads.

I hesitated for a long time because, beyond what Meta represents, it seemed crucial to me to keep the door open to all users, as opposed to the kind of "entre-soi" that is cultivated a little too often in the Fediverse. The revolution shouldn't just be for the happy few. (1/4)

Jérémy Garniaux

However, I now see the federation with Threads as having more negative than positive effects. I mostly agree with Arthur Perret's analysis in this post (in French, worth trying an automated translation) published in December:


Jérémy Garniaux

Reading @organicmaps ideas for 2024 is super exciting: satellite image support (fixing issue 618?), track recording, GeoJSON support, waterways routing, alternative routes, public transport support... 🤩 🤩

Let's hope there will be many candidates to work on these!

Jérémy Garniaux is approaching its first anniversary: the instance opened its doors on Nov. 4th, 2022!

From hinc sunt dracones one year ago, the contours of our carto community seem quite mapped now as there are 1965 users registered. How cool is that 🎉

Should we try to make it 2000 in 15 days? We'll celebrate anyway, but the challenge is fun! Let's bring those bluebird latecomers over to the mammoth! 🐦🛤🐘

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@jeremy @opencage Berlin Zoo: OSM shows the exact kind of animal and its place within the zoo, including „Hirschziegenantilopen”


@jeremy This is what I don't get about OSM. I do like the philosophy, and contribute to it when I can, but I also use it for planning journeys and that's because it's just *so much better a map* than other mapping tools. But you mention it and people back away like you've got a pamphlet for them.

The apps have been literally next to each other on my phone for three years and if GM were better at whatit does, then I've definitely been stuck in the rain looking for a pub or an office or train station or whatever enough times that my principles would have drifted at least once!

@jeremy This is what I don't get about OSM. I do like the philosophy, and contribute to it when I can, but I also use it for planning journeys and that's because it's just *so much better a map* than other mapping tools. But you mention it and people back away like you've got a pamphlet for them.

The apps have been literally next to each other on my phone for three years and if GM were better at whatit does, then I've definitely been stuck in the rain looking for a pub or an office or train station...

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