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@jeremy I think I recognize Google maps. What's the other one?

Nelson Minar 🧚‍♂️

@jeremy that map on the right has all you need to drive around Marseille! What more would you want? 😛

Jérémy Garniaux

@nelson Indeed! Always spitting in the soup, these Mastodon snobs! 😁

Jérémy Garniaux

@pycomtois Voilà qui rappelle des souvenirs émus d'un lointain temps où j'habitais à Côte des Neiges et que j'aimais aller patiner sur le lac au Castor!

Pēteris Krišjānis

@jeremy considering license I am surprised why Google insists on using their own data.

Joseph Andriano

@jeremy The visualization on OSM is just so much nicer. I feel like I better understand where I live because of it. I live in a rural area so business coverage isn’t great, but I’m slowly trying to improve that.


Lucky you !
Now you can discover @organicmaps @streetcomplete and a lot of wonderfull apps and websites 🙂



@gibr @sciencewrighter @organicmaps @streetcomplete @jeremy And if you like doing biketrips, there's brouter which uses but favors bike-friendly routes. Also, check out the layers!

Jérémy Garniaux

@sciencewrighter You're very welcome! Glad to spread the good word :)

@jeremy @opencage Berlin Zoo: OSM shows the exact kind of animal and its place within the zoo, including „Hirschziegenantilopen”

Jan K.

@wahlatlas Would you mind providing image descriptions? I'd love to share this toot!

wb x64

@wahlatlas @jeremy @opencage Disneyland, OSM vs Google. It's truly astounding how much detail Google has removed in their last update, and also never even had to begin with


@jeremy This is what I don't get about OSM. I do like the philosophy, and contribute to it when I can, but I also use it for planning journeys and that's because it's just *so much better a map* than other mapping tools. But you mention it and people back away like you've got a pamphlet for them.

The apps have been literally next to each other on my phone for three years and if GM were better at whatit does, then I've definitely been stuck in the rain looking for a pub or an office or train station or whatever enough times that my principles would have drifted at least once!

@jeremy This is what I don't get about OSM. I do like the philosophy, and contribute to it when I can, but I also use it for planning journeys and that's because it's just *so much better a map* than other mapping tools. But you mention it and people back away like you've got a pamphlet for them.

The apps have been literally next to each other on my phone for three years and if GM were better at whatit does, then I've definitely been stuck in the rain looking for a pub or an office or train station...

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