@jeremy that map on the right has all you need to drive around Marseille! What more would you want? 😛 @jeremy Le même exercice pour le mont Royal, à Montréal. Convaincant ! @pycomtois Voilà qui rappelle des souvenirs émus d'un lointain temps où j'habitais à Côte des Neiges et que j'aimais aller patiner sur le lac au Castor! @jeremy considering license I am surprised why Google insists on using their own data. @jeremy The visualization on OSM is just so much nicer. I feel like I better understand where I live because of it. I live in a rural area so business coverage isn’t great, but I’m slowly trying to improve that. @sciencewrighter @gibr @sciencewrighter @organicmaps @streetcomplete @jeremy And if you like doing biketrips, there's brouter https://brouter.damsy.net/latest/ which uses #openstreetmap but favors bike-friendly routes. Also, check out the layers! #brouter @jeremy @opencage Berlin Zoo: OSM shows the exact kind of animal and its place within the zoo, including „Hirschziegenantilopen” https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hirschziegenantilope @wahlatlas @jeremy @opencage Disneyland, OSM vs Google. It's truly astounding how much detail Google has removed in their last update, and also never even had to begin with |
@jeremy I think I recognize Google maps. What's the other one?