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@larsfrommars according to my calculations approximately 3% of all fedi posts are posts of this screenshot with a comment of "thank god" or something similar
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@larsfrommars Yeahโ€ฆthat just happened and Iโ€™m still sore about it. All of this could have been avoided if I just backed up my security keys instead of putting it off like an idiot. (Un)Fortunately, we still have Discord as backup communications, so all is not lost.

oppositional, utopian, and completely without innocence

sometimes i like to go into youtube comment sections and pretend they're being written in some sort of postapocalypse where this is the only remaining means of communication

๐™‰ ๐™Š ๐™ ๐™ˆ ๐™„ ๐™€

@larsfrommars yeah its like when I watch music videos from 10-15 years ago and people are in the comments like

'how many fans of this are still alive?'

the people with good taste die young, but the people who like random generic trash hang around ๐Ÿ˜œ

this post will be lost on you now if you're five teen, but give it another five teen years and this'll be the real-est post ever

oppositional, utopian, and completely without innocence

Dear @ Gargron,

Why does my number of followers barely change day to day, despite how often I post and how clever and meaningful the content? Please be advised, there is deep state at Mastodon and, with all due respect, you are so busy and distracted that you donโ€™t even know it.

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How deep is your state?
I really need to learn
Cause were living in a world of fools
Breaking us down
When they all should let us be
We belong to you and me

@larsfrommars smh why didn't you @ Gargon directly

millions :spinny_cat_bi:
@larsfrommars I thought nitter died

or was this before that

akkoma mobile has no way of letting me see the exact day this was posted
oppositional, utopian, and completely without innocence

reasons that traditional social media sites get shut down
- we're out of money
- we want more money
- someone else wants our money
reasons that fedi instances get shut down
- harry potter video game
- someone lost the one flash drive all the data was on
- The Taliban

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argv minus one


Ahhhh, the wacky drama of the early Internet. That's a breath of fresh air after years of rich guys getting richer.

aliceif that time the instance I was on died because of no electricity at the admin's place for months after a flooding disaster in Australia

Poppy (Tryna learn webdev rn) :spinny_cat_nb: The disaster behind Microsoft Tay is still fresh in our minds, but fuck it according to Twitter. โ€‹:neofox_thumbsdown:โ€‹

ari melody ๐Ÿ’ซ

@larsfrommars i want a timeline where cavemen invented "woke" as the first prehistoric slur

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Jussy :verified_bottom: I hate to be that person, but that looks like it would weigh a lot more than a quarter pound ๐Ÿค“

Starstorm (Cyberlux)
>McDonald's statue
>closest fast food restaurant is an Arby's
Farce Majeure

@larsfrommars looks like they might have overcooked that one.

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